Warning: This post is SUPER random and…
wait for it…
Miss -Elaine-ous!!
Get it?
On the way to my niece’s wedding we stopped and took a few photos in the bluebonnets and other wildflowers that grace the side of the country roads in the Hill Country of central Texas. It is one thing I really love about the area where I grew up – the spring flowers. I have many memories of them while at my grandparents’ farms and of taking pictures in them when I was little too. So, we usually bribe the kids with a Dairy Queen dip cone every year so they will oblige me (more easily) and take a few pics on the way to their Grandma’s (Grandpa lives there too but they usually just call it “Grandma’s). It’s a lovely Spring family tradition, yes?
During our stop this year it was actually quite chilly and “too sunny, and MOM, DON’T MAKE US DO THIS RIGHT NOW”… I mean that is what the kids said anyway. But I did get actual photos of them so a dip cone they received (or a Blizzard or some form of delicious DQ ice cream of their choice. ME? Dip cone all the way). Anyway, let’s just say our mini photo shoot could have gone better. I’m trying not to complain but I kinda am a little. I mean the kids aren’t reading this so…
This past Wednesday was my Mom’s birthday. I put this photo of us (also taken at the wedding) on Facebook and got many likes and several lovely comments. I love this woman, she’s really an amazing mother. I am pretty sure her prayers for me are what have kept me safe and sane many of these years. And since I now have an inkling that raising kids is nothing to sneeze at, my respect for her has at least quadrupled since I’ve had children myself. Thanks Mom, you’re the best.
Happy Birthday (again) MOM!
Speaking of Moms (nice segue, right?), Listen To Your Mother is only 2 weeks (and a couple of days) away! I cannot believe we are almost there! We have one more rehearsal and then the next weekend is the SHOW! Jennifer and I have put a lot of energy, time and tweets (no kidding!) into this show and I am so happy we are finally on the cusp of this wonderful event. I did have the realization the other day that not only do I have to be nervous about everything that is coming together for that day but I also have to stand up there and read myself! EEK! Although, I have a feeling that may seem like a piece of cake in comparison to the rest. I sure hope so anyway!
You can “meet” our fabulous cast members through posts on the local LTYM site for Southeast Texas and you can buy tickets here for the premier show in this area! Join us May 4th 2 p.m. at the Jefferson Theater in Beaumont, Texas. It’s going to be AH-MAZING!!
What else…
Oh yeah, K had her trike-a-thon at school a couple of weeks ago. This is the last year she will participate since next year she will go to the same school as the boys. It’s a great fundraiser for St. Jude and there is a family from their school that needed the funds (remember the one I mentioned here) and they raised a lot of money for that family and others this year. And the kids had a blast!
Thankfully the Spring also usually means a few photo shoots for me and last weekend I had the opportunity to take pictures of a friend and her sweet family. I took pictures of them back when this cutie-pie was just an infant so I was so happy to get to take their photos again! I do like this little job on the side. It is quite fun and creating lasting memories for others is especially wonderful.
We are hanging out in LA for Easter this year. And then my kiddos have Spring Break next week. I hope I can keep us kinda busy but I’m also happy for a break from packing lunches and getting up on time. I think the kids will be spending a lot of time in the playhouse their Dad built them last weekend and we’ll probably have a day trip somewhere not too far away. Now that my kiddos are no longer babies I feel less limited with what we can do on a break like this.
I’ll keep you posted.
Happy Easter weekend! Here’s to chocolate bunnies and Peeps (you know, if you like that sort of thing, which I do…)
So… what are YOU up to these days? What’s your opinion on Peeps?
p.s. I threw my opinion out into the blogosphere about the “American Blogger” trailer with a guest post over at Dancing in the Rain – go check it out and weigh-in!
You are really talented with the camera, Miss Elaine!
Happy Easter weekend!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #16: Together
Thank you my friend, times two!
Ice cream?
Totally should have went for beer and made the kids stay in the car…
That picture of the both of you is beautiful. Did you know that what you’re both wearing totally compliments each other….so sweet….
Your LTYM is next weeked?!!! Ours is in 2…I think. I can’t wait to see yours up on YouTube. So exciting.
Kimberly recently posted…There Is Winter And There Is Winter
No, our LTYM is on May 4th. I just meant that we have a rehearsal NEXT weekend and then a week later the show! ACK! And yes, very exciting.
And on the beer… I hear ya. But my husband no longer drinks so it’s ice cream all the way!
The pictures in the flowers are SO FANTASTIC!!!
I love the picture of you and your mom. You are two beautiful ladies and I can see the love between you in that photo. Aw!
Look at K go at her bike-a-thon! WHOO HOO!!! –Lisa
Thanks, Lisa. Those flowers are the best, I tell ya. And so is my Mom.
I love those blue bonnets. It’s pretty cool that you will have pictures of the kids in them each year.
I missed all the outrage over the American Blogger trailer, so I just watched it and it’s so awfully cheesey that it’s hard to believe it’s not a spoof. I actually feel bad for the guy making it he obviously did not realize that he was not representing everyone or that it was such an awful trailer.
Julia recently posted…We Got Away
Yeah, it’s pretty bad.
But the flowers are awesome, right?!
Lovely photos! I’ve always fantasized about living in Texas and having bluebonnet pics.
Robbie recently posted…Double Wide
Love all your randomness, and I know the event and you will be awesome!
Natalie recently posted…Some Weeks Call for a Breather
Thanks Natalie! Your support means a lot! xo
LOVE that pic of your baby on her big bike! What a sweetie!
Andrea recently posted…Easter Shenanigans
Aww, thanks Andrea! She is my sweet girl.
Your photos are beautiful, Elaine.

I am going to have to use the ice cream trick when I want my boys to cooperate for pictures next time.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Wonder
Works like a charm!
Thank you SO much!