Categories: boysFamilyMisc.Tim

Random at its Best

Watching Grey’s makes me want to visit Seattle, and Oregon and Boston and Maine and Chicago (again) and Montana and Niagra Falls and Toronto and all kinds of other North American places I have yet to go or have visited too briefly. Don’t ask me why, it just does.

Does anyone else visualize themselves “picking up” the clutter before they actually do it? Or follow their husband around in the kitchen while he cooks, picking up every piece of trash and putting dishes in the sink and things back in the fridge? Hypothetically of course.

Today I bought the most darling little pink bow to put in Baby K’s hair for her first pictures, coming home from the hospital, etc. I also bought a pair of frilly white socks with pink trim to put on her tiny feet. I keep visualizing that tiny bow on her sweet little head.

I’ve been smothering my boys a little more lately with hugs and kisses because I know that my “quality” time with them will be limited soon, for a little while at least. Against my better judgment I’ve been laying down with Little G at nap time (although since I’m tired myself, I have at least one good reason) and when The B Man tries to get too “uptight” about something, like he likes to tend to do, I just tell him I love him. Oh and then I hug and kiss him and then reach for G and tickle his legs.

I’m currently wearing my husbands XL “Trix are for Kids” t-shirt. It’s very comfortable and most things just ARE NOT these days. So I may wear it the rest of the week. Don’t judge me.

I secretly wish I would go into labor before my C-section next week. It’s just that I never have before. I was induced with The B Man and had a section with G. I would kinda like to have that experience, that’s all. But I’m guessing I won’t and I’ll be okay with it. I’m just sayin’.

Little G and I went to lunch at Jason’s Deli together yesterday and I ate a TON of the banana pudding off of the ‘salad’ bar. It was SO good. And he ate a huge ice cream cone. Oh and we did have some other food before that… like, healthier stuff.

Tim brought dinner home last night because I just COULDN’T cook. He brought home Raising Cane’s chicken fingers, a local fast food place that serves ONLY chicken fingers and a few sides. They are SO good. There’s no turning back now, I’ve had them and will have them again and again, even though they are not that good for me. Chicken’s good though, right?

Apparently I’m all about food right now.

Is Fall here yet (yes, technically, but not really down South) because I want pumpkin pie. With a really big dollop of real whipped cream.

Yep, all about food.

and having a baby

and my kids.

I am ME.

Happy weekend everyone. It’s our last one without our girl. Thank God.



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