Watching Grey’s makes me want to visit Seattle, and Oregon and Boston and Maine and Chicago (again) and Montana and Niagra Falls and Toronto and all kinds of other North American places I have yet to go or have visited too briefly. Don’t ask me why, it just does.
Does anyone else visualize themselves “picking up” the clutter before they actually do it? Or follow their husband around in the kitchen while he cooks, picking up every piece of trash and putting dishes in the sink and things back in the fridge? Hypothetically of course.
Today I bought the most darling little pink bow to put in Baby K’s hair for her first pictures, coming home from the hospital, etc. I also bought a pair of frilly white socks with pink trim to put on her tiny feet. I keep visualizing that tiny bow on her sweet little head.
I’ve been smothering my boys a little more lately with hugs and kisses because I know that my “quality” time with them will be limited soon, for a little while at least. Against my better judgment I’ve been laying down with Little G at nap time (although since I’m tired myself, I have at least one good reason) and when The B Man tries to get too “uptight” about something, like he likes to tend to do, I just tell him I love him. Oh and then I hug and kiss him and then reach for G and tickle his legs.
I’m currently wearing my husbands XL “Trix are for Kids” t-shirt. It’s very comfortable and most things just ARE NOT these days. So I may wear it the rest of the week. Don’t judge me.
I secretly wish I would go into labor before my C-section next week. It’s just that I never have before. I was induced with The B Man and had a section with G. I would kinda like to have that experience, that’s all. But I’m guessing I won’t and I’ll be okay with it. I’m just sayin’.
Little G and I went to lunch at Jason’s Deli together yesterday and I ate a TON of the banana pudding off of the ‘salad’ bar. It was SO good. And he ate a huge ice cream cone. Oh and we did have some other food before that… like, healthier stuff.
Tim brought dinner home last night because I just COULDN’T cook. He brought home Raising Cane’s chicken fingers, a local fast food place that serves ONLY chicken fingers and a few sides. They are SO good. There’s no turning back now, I’ve had them and will have them again and again, even though they are not that good for me. Chicken’s good though, right?
Apparently I’m all about food right now.
Is Fall here yet (yes, technically, but not really down South) because I want pumpkin pie. With a really big dollop of real whipped cream.
Yep, all about food.
and having a baby
and my kids.
I am ME.
Happy weekend everyone. It’s our last one without our girl. Thank God.
Can we go to that Chicken place when I come to visit?
It sounds so yummy! LOL!
So excited to see pics of baby K!
Yes – watching Grey’s makes me want to visit other North American cities, definitely!
Enjoy the time you have left with just two boys. You must be so excited to meet your little girl now!
Love your boys.
Come to Niagara Falls and we can hang out.
One last weekend! I’m so excited for all of you. Eat and enjoy.
Ok, so I was wrong, lol
Cane’s is the best and they have them here in DFW too. Make sure to ask for extra Cane’s sauce.
Enjoy your last week with your duo before they become a trio!
If you make a trip to Oregon, you can visit me. You’d feel at home with my southern cookin- I grew up in Tennessee.
Enjoy buying those bows!
Love random posts like this! Did you love Grey’s last night? I LOVE chicken fingers… sounds like a great dinner to me! And how cute about buying the little pink bow! Can’t wait to see pics!
Wow, last weekend without a baby. Crazy! I have heard raves about Cane’s chicken, but have not tried it. Perhaps I will soon. Enjoy your weekend!
Oh I am so excited for you – one last weekend!
Cane’s sounds delish–I’ve never tried it (I’m a Chick-Fil-A girl), but now I might have to!
I wore all of Dan’s XL t-shirts towards the end, too. Don’t feel badly. Whatever fits/works, right? I was the biggest, grossest, sweatiest pregnant woman ever. I was begging to go into labor. Your baby would be FINE if you delivered now/early. I went into labor at 34 weeks and my gals spent 3 weeks in the NICU. Then I felt like a chump for wishing it. But I couldn’t stop nature!
Almost there!!! Yay!!
Hang in there
I have been craving sweets lately so i ordered some chocolate and boklava from Figi’s. Hubby just about killed me when he found out but man am i happy.
I really wish i had some flal food myself. I was really wanting pumpkin pie th eother day so hubby bought a small pumpkin so he could make me one. God love him!
Yeah for it being the last weekend as a preggers! can’t wait to see the little one!
I think its a great thing that you are giving the biys extra hugs when you can, it will be an adjustment I’m sure, but it sounds liek there is plenty of love to go around the Elaine-ous household.
Eat some more goodies this weekend-I’m sure she’s loving them!
I remember at the end of my prenancy with Wes, nothing fit…my husband went out and bought me a blue t-shirt at target XXL I remember him holding it up when her got home and saying, ” I think this will fit you.” (good god, I hope so) I wore that shirt for about 2 weeks stright (i did take it off to wash it a few times) So I hear ya on the trix tee. If it’s harm done
so if you are serious about meeting your little girl this weekend – go get a pedi! i was scheduled for my c-section on monday and i just had to have my toes done before the big day. i went on a thursday in the morning – beans was born that night! i had no idea a pedi could bring on labor!!
Ooh, where can I get one of those T-shirts??
Good luck with the C-section and I have my fingers crossed for a natural labor process for you. You can always try those old wives’ tales. You know, spicy food, sex, walks, certain herbs. You never know, they could work!
YES, I totally do visualize myself doing things before I actually do them!!
And, totally about food here too. totally.
Now I want some chicken.
Well, you can always come back to Chicago;)
Enjoy the weekend! Can’t wait to see your baby girl. Love to all your beautiful family.
It is only 7:45am and I am hungry already after that one!
I am starting to outgrow clothes now…and I still have 6 weeks left – 5 of them at work. What to do…
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!
i can’t believe that she is about to be here!!! i am so excited for you.
and i just went through my cabinet hoping to find a can of pumpkin because i am wanting pumpkin pie too! yum. no. such. luck. not sure i want it bad enough to go to the store when the kids get up from nap… but maybe.
love ya.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! can’t wait for you!!!
Spoiling your boys with extra attention is absolutely the best thing that you can do (for all of you). When they’re older, you won’t ever remember any issues that arise after lying down with your little guy at naptime. But you will remember the smell of his sweet little head and the sound of his precious breath.
Hi Elaine
I remember buying bits and pieces for my babies before they were born and visualising them wearing these items. I also remember spending a LOT of time in the nursery before Savvy and Blake were born and picturing them in my arms.
My husbands shirts also became a fashion staple for me a few weeks out from giving birth!
Your grandmother sounds like such an inspirational woman and I love the line in the poem that says “Her Moxie lives on within her grandadugther”. Beauty full.
I’m all about food too and I’m not even pregnant.
Go for wearing that T-shirt until D-day! And, did you know there’s a raising cane’s chicken fingers in DFW? Lewisville – seen it but never tried, may have to!