Today my feet are not swollen but every other day in the last week, they have been. So, I’m counting my lucky stars right now. What makes this happen? How can I prevent it? Doesn’t someone know? Ugh. Oh and I’m T.I.R.E.D. Like exhausted. Is this partly my fault for staying up too late every night? Probably. But still, I can be standing in the kitchen doing the dishes and a wave of tiredness just over takes me. And I kinda wish I could nap like ALL day.
Ok, promise the complaining is over.
My favorite place right now? The pool at the club we joined. I can float and feel weightless (well mostly…) and COOL OFF! The boys and I have been there A LOT lately and even ran into one of the ladies I had lunch with Tuesday. I actually knew someone at the pool! It was so cool! : )
Speaking of lunch. I had a great lunch with some other moms in town that I have been emailing with. I don’t know if I posted about the fact that on one of our flights out here before actually moving, Tim and I met a woman my age with friends living here that are my age and have children. She hooked me up y’all. Her friends have advised me on all of the doctors, schools, etc. out here and they are all SO NICE!
Warning!! Subject change…
The boys have a total love/hate thing going on right now. One minute the big one is screaming in the face of the little one or the little one is biting the big one and then the next minute they are next to each other on the couch “discussing” trains and hugging. Gotta love the sibling thing.
I made this cobbler last night (recipe per someone’s tweet, sorry I don’t remember!) and it was SO good that I coulda eaten the whole pan myself. With ice cream of course.
My parents are here for a visit and I think now that they are here it feels more like home. The fact that I know it’s not THAT bad of a drive for them and that they are more than willing to visit makes me feel so much better. I was so happy to see them drive up into the driveway yesterday…
Next weekend I’m going back to our previous home town for a baby shower that my friends are so nice to host for me. And although the shower part is most exciting, I honestly can’t wait to see my friends. And I’m assuming there will be cake, so that’s a major bonus.
I’m freaking out a little that school starts NEXT WEEK for my first child. But on the other hand I know he’s bored around the house lately and is ready to go. I’m just not that prepared, as I have yet to buy ANYTHING except for labels. Yeah, that’s all I got so far. I plan to go supply shopping tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Guess that’s all for now. Probably taking the rest of the week off from blogging (in other words, no post tomorrow) since my parents are here and I want to enjoy them. And well, I just need to slow down a little.
Happy Weekend Everyone! (obviously I’m starting early…)
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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