Dressing a girl is a WHOLE new ballgame. Or maybe just ball (as in “gala”).
Tights, bows, SHOES, dresses, SHOES.
I was somewhat inspired by this post by Steph and realized I hadn’t visited the local resale establishment since Baby K was just a wee babe (looking for Halloween costumes at the time).
For Shame.
So, she and I took a trip while the boys were in school.
I’ll admit, I was a little overwhelmed at first. There was SO MUCH girl stuff. I used to have to pick through quite a bit to find decent things for the boys (many of The B Man’s clothes came from resale and have been passed down to Little G). But the girls stuff – WOAH!
So, after two passes I picked out a few dresses and a sleeper and THEN.
THEN I saw the shoe bins. Three of them with Baby K’s current size and future presumed size for Summer. O.M.G. I was in heaven.
We came home with ONLY six pair. I could have bought twice that many or more. Oh and the total, a little over $17.00. Score.
And today, I’ve been on the internet inquiring about bows, headbands, more shoes, pillowcase dresses on Etsy, etc.
Yep, it’s definitely started. It’s all over Dear (a.k.a Tim).
Love, your girls! : )
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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