I can be kind of sensitive at times. Perhaps it’s because I grew up with three older brothers that “messed” with me on occasion. Or maybe it’s just part of who I am no matter what.
I’ve NEVER gotten and snarky or rude comments on my blog before. EVER. And I still haven’t (knock on wood or veneer, whatever is on the table next to me…).
However, on my You Capture post from last week, I got this little tid bit from “angelina”
“You have such a beautiful girl that perhaps you should put a better picture of her on your page. Just a thought!”
I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it because well, there is a sweet compliment in there but I also took it personally that she did not like the pic of Baby K in my sidebar. At least I assumed that is what she was talking about.
I couldn’t respond to angelina, except perhaps in my own comments, which I never do, because she apparently does not have a blog and there was no email address linked to her name.
So, I just took it in stride and today I’m changing it – to this pic.
This one’s for you angelina. I hope it’s more to your satisfaction.
Come back and visit any time. : )
*If you don’t remember or are a new visitor and would like to see the pic that was there before go to this post – it’s the last picture.

Hosted by Cecily and Sue
Geez! I think people don’t realize how things sound sometimes. This new picture is adorable (and the other one was too.) I love her pink cheeks!
The new picture is very cute, and SO WAS the other one.
Have people lost all sense of appropriateness?
Don’t answer that, I already know the answer.
Well, I didn’t see the previous picture, but this one is absolutely adorable. Love those cheeks!
Baby K is darling no matter what…and I liked the other photo just as much as the new one.
People are weird.
Hey. AT LEAST she had guts enough to sign her name to it, even though it could have been a fake name I suppose since she didn’t have a profile attached. Anyways, I usually encounter those as Anonymous commenters and I had to deal with one yesterday. My response every time is to say in polite terms, “you are a coward, at least sign your name.” But that’s neither here nor there. Your daughter is Beautiful. Period. Gotta love back-handed compliments.
That is beyond rude. You are not being sensitive, I’m angry on your behalf. First of all, a comment on a photo in your sidebar has nothing to do with your You Capture post, so it was out of left field. Second of all, who is she to judge what is a good or not good photo of YOUR daughter? I liked the photo, and for all she knows, that picture could have some special significance to you. What a jerk.
Unbelievable! People never cease to amaze me. All of her pictures are beautiful, and it’s YOUR blog. Use any picture YOU want.
Backhanded compliments make me angry.
Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL.
I thought the old picture of her was beautiful too…
As if your baby could have a bad photo. yeesh!
She’s lovely! I don’t remember what the old photo was… but I’m sure it was adorable.
bad photo my ass. once somebody told me a picture of me wouldn’t look so much like a man if i would smile. made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Wow, she sure could have said that a little nicer, huh?
I didn’t mean to come across in a mean way. I meant that you had such cute pictures of your baby that would look adorable under your sons. I really apologize for hurting your feelings. I’m a huge fan of your blog and truly meant it as a compliment to your daughter.
What, who says something like that, gawd. That picture is adorable and don’t let anyone tell you any different.
GOOD LORD, what is wrong with people?!
Both of those photographs are fantastic and I love Baby K and she is teeny and pretty and smart.
I woke up this morning to an anonymous comment from someone that said Baby T probably hurt his arm because I was drunk.
I think I would prefer them to not like my photos!
P.S. I was NOT drunk, I was making lasagna!
Well. I give you credit for handling that so well. I would been pretty pissy to be told that about my baby girl’s picture! Baby K is darling and your pictures are really rockin’ lately.
Baby K is beautiful (I’m a long time viewer, but haven’t commented before..) I think Angelina feels terrible that her comment came out all wrong. I see she has posted again to apologise. Sometimes we open mouths and insert feet without realizing it can hurt.
I saw Angelina’s response. I think maybe it was an honest mistake and so I am not going to say much but I do think both look adorable!
Baby K is adorable no matter what picture. I hope it wasn’t ill intentioned, but I think it would have hurt my feelings, too!
Geesh…. she is always adorable.
She’s just SO cute! I love any and all pictures of Baby K
Baby K is beautiful no matter what and I can’t believe someone said that!
Which now makes me panic and hope I’ve never said anything that anyone could remotely misinterpret…uh oh!
Just forget about it(if you can) and know that you and your fam are about the cutest bunch I’ve ever seen. Some people just don’t think before they speak/type.
Sheesh, what is with people. I didn’t see the other picture, but Baby K looks a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. I can’t imagine that it would even be possible to take a bad picture of that little cutie-pie!
I am sure she didn’t mean it in a negative way, sometimes things come across all wrong on here. And Baby K is gorgeous no matter what!
Baby K is beautiful and both of the pictures are precious! I think some people just do not realize how they can come across but you handled it with grace and it is great that there has been an apology in the process!
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