For some reason I don’t feel like a gave a good enough nod to 2009 here on the blog, or even in my own mind. Here we are almost two weeks into the new year and I feel as if I still need to do so.
When I think back on it I realize that it was QUITE the year for us.
Tim’s theory that we would some day move for the advancement of his career came true.
I spent 3/4th of the year pregnant and we welcomed our third baby and only girl.
I met A-MAZING fellow bloggers at Blog Her ’09.
Tim and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.
Our first baby started Kindergarten.
(not necessarily in this order…)
I will always remember last year as a time of BIG change and adjustment in our lives. I will remember how it contained sadness and joy all at the same time.
There were days early on that I couldn’t believe I was pregnant and when I found out it was going to be a girl, I was so very thrilled. And of course when she was born I was so elated to finally have her here, healthy and beautiful. It’s like nothing else, seeing your baby for the first time.
When it came about that we would definitely be moving I was filled with trepidation and frankly, mourning. I’m not big on change and leaving my comfort zone (as I’ve said on here many times in relation to the move) and I won’t lie, it was hard.
I had a wonderful time in Chicago and met so many beautiful people and felt so many different emotions. I made new blogging friends and met some of the people whose blogs I’ve been reading for a long, long time. It really was an amazing experience.
I was a little sad to see my first baby start school but I knew it was time for him to grow his little boy wings and fly. I still tear up some days though, when I see him walk away from me on the way to his classroom, his big ole backpack dwarfing his 5 year old body.
I still have thoughts of our previous house but am thankful that it sold in a pretty timely fashion, considering the market these days. I still miss our neighborhood there. Since everything was just so close, including the schools, the parks and well, my friends.
I was sad at the holidays when I knew we would miss many friends and family members by staying here in Louisiana. But we still had a nice, quiet holiday and I will always remember our baby girl’s first Christmas.
It was definitely a year to remember, no doubt about that…
I don’t think that 2010 will be quite as “exciting” and in a way, I hope it’s not. I just want to watch my sweet children grow and I pray that we all stay happy, healthy and wise.
Goodbye 2009. It was nice knowing you.
P.S. HERE is the picture collage I did that reviews our year.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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