This boy is my snuggly snuggle bug and the main reason we are in the market for a king-sized bed.
He’s also a drink-stealer, president of the 4-W club (whine, whine, whine, whine), an all star dessert eater and an A #1 bathtub splasher.
He still likes to be held and carried through the house, all 39.8 lbs. of him. On the rare occasion I do appease him, if I’m feeling extra nice, but that’s not usually the case. I mean, I usually already work out 4 times a week.
This afternoon after I put K down for her nap, he asked me to play trains with him and I certainly could not resist that precious face pleading with me. I mean, who could? We had races and of course he somehow won them all.
After I could take no more defeat, I let him play Angry Birds for a bit on my phone. And by “bit” I mean while I wrote this post and took a quick shower. Thirty-five minutes, maybe?
Which brings me to something I’m curious about…
My kids do not have the D.S. thingys but they do have my phone, my husband’s phone and my previous iPhone at their disposal. As well as my hubby’s tablet, if he lets them use it (usually only on the weekends). Plus we occasionally play the Wii. AND. They (even K!) nag me to play on one of the phones quite often.
So I wonder, what stipulations do you have on your kids for games like these? Do you say only certain times of the week/day and for only so long? I’m very curious… And I’m pretty sure we need some clear-cut rules around here before I lose my phone forever and my sanity.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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