All of the kids got bikes this Christmas.  Santa was extra good to them.  He somehow knew that each of them needed new wheels.  And even delivered them to the house where they were staying in a different state.  Santa is amazeballs (do people still say that?)

Anyway, the Princess of the house received well, a Princess bike, of course.  Santa also likes to spoil the one little girl of the household.  Wonder why? (wrappedaroundhispinkyfingerthatswhy)

I gotta admit, he did pretty good.  She loves the darn thing.  And sings (Let It Go from Frozen over and over and over…) and smiles while she rides it, pretty much every afternoon that the weather allows.  And sometimes in the morning (when not at school).

I think she’s making a pattern on the driveway from her loops around and around and around.  I’m so happy she loves it.  Less t.v. and more biking while Mommy makes dinner. 🙂












By the way, have you heard about Alison and Greta’s new photo project for the year – Through the Lens Thursday?  Join them on their blogs or in the Flickr group for a new topic of inspiration every week.  This week is Movement and I think I captured that in some of these…


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