I drove to the part of town today where I know they have industrial type stuff.
And I found these.
They are BIG. I could have laid down in one, you know, if I’d wanted to.
I didn’t. I was wearing a dress. And I’m pretty sure someone like the dudes walking around in hard hats might have frowned upon that. I also made sure none of them came by, thinking I was CUH-RAZY for taking photographs of enormous pipe thingamajigs.
My You Capture adventures are becoming a tad bit comical, but at least I did bring my “good” camera this week, unlike last week.
I really like the above shot.
Scene of the crime. Although pretty sure I didn’t do anything illegal.
you are amazingly talented! love these!
What I wouldn’t give to see you lying down in one of those pipes!
These are great shots, but I do think we need to see one of you laying down in one.
These? Are AMAZING friend! You are so, so very talented! XO
I really like the next to last shot too, great angle!
I love these, especially the one you said you loved! That is a keeper and a framer! Enlarge it and hang it on your wall. Or mine!
You have inspired me to pick my dusty camera up and get out there and shoot. I miss it!
all SO GOOD!!! love these, elaine!
I adore rust, so it’s not weird at all. Great shots!
I just love the perspective on the third shot!
Great shots! Love your processing!
Love these!
That is awesome! And yes that second to last shot is so cool, just makes you kind of turn your head and keep peering at it from all angles. Very fun.
I think it is hilarious that you went into a pipe yard and took photos. I can’t believe that no one said anything to you.
These pictures are truly amazing. Seriously, who would have thought pipes could be so compelling!
Amazing how you turned those big pipes into art! Great captures and worth the crazy looks.
Terrific pictures!!
Those are beautiful pipes my friend.
Looks like a big giant playground almost! With hard hats on, of course.
Those photos are awesome! Though I admit, I kinda want to see a photo shoot of someone sitting in one. Even though that’d probably cause them all to roll away.
Wow! Those are great shots! You are getting SO GOOD!
Those pipe shots — especially that first one — are amazing! Also … “And I’m pretty sure someone like the dudes walking around in hard hats might have frowned upon that.” — If you were in a dress, I suspect they would _not_ have been frowning
Seriously, you have some talent! I love the 2nd to the last – very cool!
Your pictures are gorgeous.
I was curious about the title, and these are great.
I love all the awesome colors in your photos! You found the perfect place to take industrial pics. And I totally agree that the pipes are pretty.
Love these.
Great eye
Beautiful photos. You’ve taken something quite mundane and made them beautiful with the angle of your camera.
Those are absolutely gorgeous! As odd as this sounds, but that would be an awesome site for a wedding shoot!!
Love the picture of all the circles. We have a pipe factory near our house and I love to see the fun designs the pipes make.
Great captures!