Potty Tots – Review & Giveaway

I’m not really a fan of potty training.

It did not go “swimmingly” the first time around (really, no kind of pun intended) and I was having small convulsions thinking about round two.

While on twitter one day I connected with Jill @pottytots and she offered to help in any way she could (this was MONTHS ago by the way) and we stayed in touch off and on.

Once I knew Little G was really ready to start I contacted her again about trying out the Potty Tots kit for our own personal review. I was willing to try anything to make sure this round went faster and mostly importantly, easier. On EVERYONE involved.

When we first got the Potty Tots kit Little G was pretty much already going #1 on the potty (although still wearing a pull up) but #2 was still anyone’s guess. And I don’t really like guessing with #2.

I know. No one does.

The kit includes a cute little DVD with “catchy” tunes that are fun and easy for kids to sing along with and the story of a little guy (in this case a boy – you can choose a “boy”- blue or “girl”- pink kit) whose friends help him learn how to go on the potty.
There’s also a book with the same story to read to the child, a potty chart with six steps of going potty and a little reward game with incentives to go potty and “clings” of the potty tots characters.

From their website:

“The Potty Tots Program is the most FUN children will have when potty training! Our motto is based on the common little toddler phrase, “I can do it, all by myself!” By encouraging this independence, children build confidence and self esteem. The interactive program features the adorable Potty Tots that sing and dance to teach the six steps of potty training.

Little G loved the illustrated potty chart, which guides the child from pulling down their pants to washing their hands. We had to place it sitting on the back of the toilet so that he could see it every time he went and once he was all done he would go to the sink and say “Now I have to wash my hands like the potty tots do!!”

He also liked the DVD and we watched it SEVERAL times one week and I found myself singing the little “ditty” while washing the dishes one day.

We also read the book quite a few times and we tried the incentive chart but he’s not really big on things like that so he got bored with that part pretty quickly. However, I believe every child is different and what may not work for one will work for another.

And I’m happy to say that besides wearing a pull up at night (just for a little “insurance” and so that I don’t have to wash sheets as much) Little G is potty-trained and it went MUCH better this time.

I think having an older sibling as well as using the potty tots kit (which we did not have last time) both helped things to go more smoothly this time around (again, no pun intended. promise.)

So, who wants to receive their very own Potty Tots kit to encourage and help their child to potty-train while having fun at the same time? They have been nice enough to offer a kit to one of you!

If you’d like to enter, please leave a comment telling me which you would need, either a boy or girl kit.

If you would like a second entry you can tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment that you did.

And if you’d like a third you can follow Jill on twitter @pottytots and leave a third comment letting me know you did that as well.

Entries from the 48 continental U.S. states only please.

This giveaway will run until 11:59 p.m. central time on Friday, September 24 when I will choose one winner via random.org.

Please leave your email in comment(s) if I cannot contact you through your blog profile.

And if you are potty training – good luck! 🙂

*The Potty Tot kits retail for $19.95. I was sent one kit for review purposes from Potty Tots and no other monetary compensation. These are my honest opinions about the products.


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