I think most people know that I post the night before. It’s just the best way for me. You know, to do it after the boys are in bed and when my mind is clear as mud.
Last night though, I went out. With the girls. With other Moms to a local festival that was centered around wine. There were crafts, shops open with all kinds of fun stuff (found something really cute for my Favorite Things swap with McMommy!) and then there was some wine…. ah yeah…
Although honestly, I didn’t drink very much because I used my rental mini-van as the party bus and so I kind of became the DD. We still had a great time of course and this was pretty funny… As we were looking at the little map that gave the layout of the festival we saw that in one area they had a Kids Zone. We all looked up from our maps with huge smiles on our faces and said, “We don’t need that tonight!!!” We didn’t even get within 100 1000 feet…
So now we all know why there was no post up late last night. I was just too tired from all the kid-less fun! ; )
p.s. Thanks to my MIL for baby-sitting! : )
p.p.s. My friend Heidi took some pics, if I get her to email me one I will post it!
p.p.s.s. I love my children, just need a break sometimes. K, I’m done.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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