Yesterday was weird. I was in a haze for part of the day.

I woke up and saw that Trump had won and I cried. No, I did not vote for Hilary either.

I am one of those “3rd party” voters that people are pissed at. Funny thing is, I didn’t even vote for one of the main ones. I voted for a guy that had absolutely no shot AT ALL. But I voted for him because after all my research, coupled with my beliefs there was nothing else, in good conscience, I could do.

This election was an emotional battering. I felt like I was choosing between the guillotine and a hanging. I am not even kidding you. It was torture, from all sides.

You all know that I am very active on social media. The last year or so has been just brutal. And yes, I put a few of my opinions out there, but thankfully nothing ever got too heated or disrespectful, certainly not from me. I consider myself a pretty moderate person, who leans a little conservative. But I do not associate fully with either major party.

In a way, I feel done with our democracy and the the government that we now have. I believe it it is still a better system than many have, and I know there are checks and balances, but I feel at this point, things are so corrupt and we are so divided as a country, that we maybe should scrap things and start over.

I know that sounds radical and that it will more than likely never happen. That’s just how desperate I feel as one lone, disillusioned American.

I think many of us are in a little bit of shock that Donald Trump is our president-elect. I think even people who voted for him are. I think many were just assuming Hilary was going to win; there was no way he could. Well, he did.

So here we are, in 2016, looking forward to having someone with no political experience, who is known across the world for being not-the-nicest-guy (understatement of the year) and a reality t.v. star, as our president. I am not going to lie it’s a hard pill for me to swallow.

So all I can do from this chair in my little home office, in Lafayette, LA, U.S.A. is hope and pray that things will be alright for this nation and for my little family and those I love. I will admit, I am not an activist, never have been. So I know, some would say I cannot complain since that is the case. Many people do not have that fire in them. Many of us just want to live our lives in a peaceful and normal way.

But it’s possible this election has caused me to realize – perhaps I do have to stand up more and speak up more for what I believe.

I don’t know… I just feel like something has to change.



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Tags: #NaBloPoMo

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