I take off and my feet pound the pavement, one after the other.
I hear the familiar music in my ears and say “run, Elaine, just run.”
I go and I go, feeling my breath and the air in my lungs.
I feel the sweat begin to bead on my forehead.
My ankle aches with each stride but not bad enough to make me stop.
I am strong.
I can do this.
And then I remember how there was a time when I could NOT do this.
When running even ONE minute was an absurd thought in my head.
I would most certainly never make it to an entire mile!
How could I?
“I am NOT a runner”, I would think to myself.
But I changed my mind.
Somewhere, along the way I changed it.
I changed my heart and soul too
And now?
Well, I AM a Runner and I CAN and WILL do this.
But not without you all pushing me and supporting me.
So MUCH of this running journey is mental and your supportive words in the past have helped me more than you all know.
So, I’m asking you now to add a comment to this post if you want to run along with me.
Pick a number from 1 to 13 and tell me which mile you want me to dedicate to you and your support for me. And of course there can be multiple people on the same mile. I hope everyone reading this will choose one. If you don’t want to comment but we are friends on FB, you can tell me there as well!
I wouldn’t be able to do this without the support of my family and friends and that also means you all.
Sunday, December 4th is the race. I’m resting somewhat this week but preparing mentally and I want to know who is “going” with me.
I can’t wait to have you along with me.
And thank you, THANK YOU all so much for helping me run the race.
*this post was inspired by my friend Katie who recently ran her first 5K, thanks Katie.
Also, Sharing My Awesome with my friend Jen at Momma Made it Look Easy!
I’m so thankful that I decided to act on that little “tug” that I felt when I read about you, Kami and other friends running. It inspired me to give it a go, and now I can call myself a runner too!
All the VERY best for your race, I will be cheering you on from the other side of the world. I’m sure you have more than 13 friends who want you to dedicate a mile to them, but if there is room for me, I’d love number 4 (it’s my fave).
Good luck, girl!!
I’ll take mile 3!
And for the record- you’ve so got this!
I’m so proud of you!! What a huge accomplishment you will have completed! I want mile 13. While I am a runner, I am one who can only run up to three miles at a time, because that’s when my bone and joint conditions tell me to stop. So, due to medical issues, I will never see mile 13. But you will!! And 13 is my favorite number, did you know?
Have a wonderful time, Elaine!!
Yay, yay, yay for you!!! So excited! I will take mile 13. Impressed as can be that you are doing this girl. You go!!!
So proud of you for doing this! (and somewhat in awe too)
I’ll take mile 10!
I’ll be thinking about you on the 4th! You can do it! It’s SO all about mind over matter, which I’ve not been able to do with my running. I just keep thinking, “Am I done yet?”
I’ll take mile 3 since I’ll be doing a 5k on the 11th and will need all the help I can get on that last mile.
YOU GO GIRL! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
I’m with you, friend. I’ll take mile 10 because you have almost made it but you will need some extra “oomph” to get you through those last miles. You inspire me. I want so badly to be a runner but I can’t seem to kick that mindset that I’m “not a runner”. Hugs!
I will take mile 5, because I always struggle with that point myself. What is the date of your half marathon?
4 is my favorite number, so if you get all full put me there. if you’ve got any empties then feel free to move me about as needed.
i’m so excited for you!!!
Give me whichever one is the hardest. I am there pushing, encouraging and singing to you. You can do it!!!
I’ll cheer you on mile 6!! 6 is my favorite number and I’m sure the halfway point requires some digging in! Liz and I are running a half in August so we start training soon. Thanks for being an inspiration!
I want 8! It’s my favorite number, and it’s a point during my halfs that I’ve needed an extra push.
Also, I will join in with the last 0.1, so that I can cross the finish line with you in spirit! I am so proud of this journey you’ve undertaken and stuck with, even with your ankle issue!
GIRL! I am with you all the way! I know this half marathon thing and you will do it and you will be SO happy and proud that you did.
I am so excited that you not only took up running but are doing the half.
I want to be there with you around mile 12.75. That is when I hit the biggest wall both times. When you get there, hear me cheering….
And I am right there beside you (or behind if you need a push!)
You go this!
I meant 11.75…the last 2km or so…I am so not hip to the imperial jive
Mile 7. On my first half that was the point I felt like I could really do it. I was over halfway done. It was a little triumph, but one that felt so good. You are going to do amazing, Elaine. I’m so proud of you!
I’ll take lucky number 7. I’ve been thinking about your run, your ankles, wondering how you were doing.
And why 7? because I have my half on the 10th and I have yet to run 7 miles. So I’ll be with you at 7 and will be thinking of you through the rest of the remaining miles too!
You go girl, you can do this!
I’ll take 9 because no one else has.
Mile 8 was hard for me, as was 10, but those are already claimed. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing you will feel when it is done and you have pushed yourself so hard. I was hoping to be there, but not sure if I will make it or not. But I will be thinking of you all morning and obsessively checking FB to see victorious you at the end. Going to be so great!
I know you already gave me a mile, but I want you to know how darn proud I am of you. You, Elaine, inspire ME to keep running, even when times get tough….you know what I’m talking about. Love you girl!
I so admire people who are runners. I could never be one.
I’m SO impressed and proud of you Elaine. I dont even want to DRIVE 13 miles.
I’m sooo proud of you and glad you are my friend! Running a long distance really is so much more mental than physical…. all that time alone in your thoughts, it’s easy to talk yourself out of it, but you gotta put in the time and miles on the road. I’ll take mile 13 and the point 1…… 13 is my lucky number and I’d love to run and finish a race with you one day! Good luck, my friend, I know you will do great!
Well I’ll be running the first 3.1 miles with you – if it helps any you can picture me running along side you then….pushing you on….begging you to push me on.
You can totally do it!! Mile 4 I will be with you. As the beginning is sometimes the hardest. I am like you somehow became a runner- it feels great
13! You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it, or maybe just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, just keep running.
I know that you totally have this race down! You will rock!!! Since a few people have already picked mile 4 (which I was gonna choose for my birthday), I will support you during mile 8 (4 doubled, right). Hang in there for each mile, remember if you can do 10, you can do 13. The biggest challenge is to not let your mind tell you otherwise. You know that you will cross that finish line! Can’t wait to see pictures!
So incredibly proud of you for this!
I’ll take mile 10! And I’ll be cheering you on on Sunday!
I want the .1 on the last mile of your 13.1 miles. That is when all your good stuff is gonna come out and your are gonna PUSH yourself like crazy. That last tenth of a mile will be such a HIGH. And when you are running towards that finish line I want you to remember that what you are doing is something only 1% (or less) of the population can do. I have been running for a while now and I have never done what you will be doing. Remind yourself of that!!!!
Good luck and God speed!
for you, i will get my pregnant butt out there and run mile 7 with you because mile 7 is always my hardest. so proud of you!!! xoxo
Good luck in the race!! I’ll take the last mile! That way I can cheer you on as you pass the finish line!
YOU rock – may I have 9?
GOOD LUCK!!! I just started my training. Can’t wait to hear how well it goes!
I am so, so proud of you!!!! I think I already said mile 8 on twitter – this is my favorite number and the point where you’re pretty much home free.
Sign me up for 11 baby. My favorite because of Spinal Tap, and you will turn it up to 11 and beyond. I’m so stinking proud of you I can’t stop smiling.
Plus you got Jay to come and comment. Wow!
Do me a favor, if you don’t have it on your tune rotation yet, add “Tubthumping’ from Chumbawumba – the I get knocked down song. Nothing can perk me up more. Plus it’s a drinking song. Can’t go wrong.
XOXO – Ash
Hoping it went well today! Love ya! Will catch up with you tomorrow on Twitter!