Today I have a guest post from my lovely friend, Liz, of Learning to Juggle. She also has two boys and baby girl like me and likes to run, and just finished her first half marathon!! It’s like we are the same person. Plus, I get to meet her at BlogHer in August – so excited! Visit her on Facebook and chat with her on Twitter too, she is just a great person to know, as you can tell from her lovely writing below…
Please Remind Me
As the days are long
As my hubby attends night school
As the chaos settles in
Some one please
Remind me
This childhood is fleeting
My babies will soon not be babies anymore.
The stained clothes will soon be outgrown
And the stains won’t matter anymore.
Little toes will soon reach further than little shoes
And little hands will reach for mine less and less.
Remind me that my job is not just to keep them clean and quiet
but to help them grow
to nurture young hearts and spirits,
to love, encourage, and, when needed, discipline
these amazing little creatures
that bless my life.
Help me to remember
that someday they will not be in my home
that my voice will be far away from them
but that the lessons I teach them
will let them carry my words always.
Please, when you see me struggle
sad, angry, frustrated,
fighting bills, bedtimes,
Remind me
I will not get these moments back
There is no redo
no rewind.
Now is the time to step up
drop the guilt of a chicken nugget dinner
and embrace the special moments of laughter
as they run in my shoes
and scratch the wood floors,
as they track in the mud
to show my their new pet bug.
Please remind me
to love, enjoy, cherish
because it will all be gone
far too soon.
Very lovely, and very true.
Liz sent me over. You’re right – she’s awesome and I LOVE this poem!! I also have boy, boy, girl, with an extra boy tacked on the end.
It’s hard to focus on the big picture when so much of our time is focused on caring for the details. Great reminder!
Beautiful! Thank you for this sweet reminder!