The other day I found myself ‘venting’ about the fact that this could be a crazy Summer with the kids. Yeah, remember that? And now, it’s already less than 2 months before The B Man goes back to school and we have another trip planned in a few weeks to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary and before I know it I will be buying school supplies again.

In the meantime Baby K is now pulling up on everything under the sun, and holding on sometimes, with only one hand. She greeted me with a huge smile the other morning in her crib as she held on to the rails while on “all twos.” Yeppers.

(mark my words, she’ll be walking before she’s a year old)

The boys and I giggled like children (oh wait…) as she popped up from behind the coffee table several times the other day. She was quite amused too, I assume more with OUR laughter than anything else. However, the boys are not NEARLY as amused that she can now get to the toys they have on the sofa or table. Yeah, not so much.


While we were on vacation she greeted me with a full on “MAMA!” as I came to get her in the pack ‘n play one morning. Even Tim heard it over the monitor, so there’s no denying it. Ever. (I might be a tad bit excited that she said MY name first…) Mwahaha!! World Mother Domination could be mine yet! (not likely)

And in the P.T. department (that stands for “potty training,” by the way) Little G is full on, well, working on it. We have good days,where he gets to wear underwear for a little while, and bad days where he wets his pull-up over and over. But I’m not complaining ONE bit because so far this is going much better than round one did a few years back.

(you are welcome for no actual potty training related photo)

AND (I know, I’m redundant) The B Man lost his first tooth on Friday!! You should have seen the drama when he first tasted blood! (OMG, you would think he was a 2 year old girl sometimes!!) He got a visit from the tooth fairy who somehow gave him an extra quarter and so he ended up with $2.25. She/He must have had one to spare… 😉

(please ignore the peanut butter on his face)

And? (I know, sorry…) I’ve now lost 11 lbs. and Tim has lost 22! (No, I’m not bitter that he’s lost TWICE AS MUCH as me. Ahem.) I gained a few back while on vacation but c’mon, no one can resist Gelato forever, right? But, I’m back on track and we are continuing to eat well and exercise and we just feel SO much better about our bodies and our eating habits.

I guess you could say our life is busy and moving at a rapid pace.

And you would be right.

*Still giving away Sarah McLachlan’s new CD “Laws of Illusion” – just leave a comment to enter!


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