When we moved into this house a little over 3.5 years ago I was not very happy to be here.
I could not seem to figure out all the different, crazy light switches quickly enough and kept thinking that the one in our closet should be on the left side and not the right. The floors were all hard and there was absolutely no soft carpet at all, like in our house back in Texas, the one we had just left behind. So, I bought slippers.
Our furniture did not fit very well in this house, mostly because in our previous home we had two living areas – one formal and one more den-like and here there is only one. I had too much improvising to do with my decor.
The oven did not work at all when we first moved in and my husband’s birthday was coming up. I just wanted to bake him a cake. My seven-month pregnant self did not sleep well in this new place. The counters in our bathroom area were way too short for my liking and the ones in the kids’ bathroom were just right, for me, not them.
All of these nit-picky things were exacerbated of course, by the fact that I really just wanted to be back in the city we had left behind, back with my friends and closer to family. And the fact that there were so many boxes. EVERYWHERE. I like order. I like things unpacked and in place and clean and just the way I want them.
There were a few nights that I cried in bed, just wishing I could go back “home”, to my comfort-zone that I knew so well. I thought in my head “what the hell are we doing here!?” I thought it SO hard sometimes. Like enough to where it gave me a headache. Change is hard for me. It always has been.
Even when I went to college, leaving my family over 3.5 hours south, I was stunned into change. I made the independent choice to leave home and it was a good one, but the first few weeks were so very HARD. I vividly recall my parents in the elevator of my dormitory as the doors closed on their beautiful and loving faces and my heart wrenched in my chest. And the dog tears that followed.
I was assigned a dormitory roommate who wanted NOTHING to do with me. So in the first few weeks I made a transfer and hurriedly moved all my things by myself, up one flight of stairs to another room, with a girl I knew from home. She was not the ideal roommate either but she was familiar. And I needed familiar.
So. When we came here NOTHING was familiar, except of course my babies and my husband. It WAS different this time, at least I had them with me in the change.
And my “babies” at the time liked trains, so we used part of the enormous hard floor in the one huge living room to create the biggest train track they had every played with before. Their previous train table (which I sold to a friend back in Texas) couldn’t hold a candle to the masterpiece of intricate track we were able to build here. And they were happy.
It was then that I realized for them, and for myself of course, I needed to make happy too. We WERE here and I was about to give birth to the baby girl I always wanted and my husband had a good paying job and even though it rained every afternoon, the weather seemed pretty good and the people I had met so far were quite nice.
So now, over three years later I have figured out all the light switches. We bought different furniture and moved some of the old around. We have made new, good friends.
Also, my feet are mostly accustomed to the floors and I cannot deny the enormous love I have for the “pitter patter” sound of the six little feet that walk and run down the long hallway from my room to theirs, multiple times a day.
And in the end, no matter where we are geographically, where their feet land is my home too.

I like to think of homes as the place where memories are made. And yes, including sounds of happy, running feet.
I’m glad you’ve finally found HOME. xo
Not a big fan of our house or the location, but 8 years later I am starting to come to terms with the fact that this is home.
Happy that it hasn’t taken you 8 years!
I realized soon after moving to our current house that I had to decide it was home. I still occasionally feel out of sorts, and long for my last home, but in general this is home. Like you, this is where my family is, where the kids are growing up. It’s a choice – and once you make that choice, the feelings start to follow.
I just really loved this. And I felt the same way in college and did the same thing with a roommate.
I feel that way every time we move and then suddenly, without even realizing it, I’m home. All the light switches are where they’re supposed to be and I couldn’t imagine the closet being arranged any other way.
Adopting the whole “home is where my family is” mindset is hard, but so comforting once it’s done.
OOh. This post hit me in a tender spot.
I don’t know if that can happen where we are. But I know my next step to make it happen.
THANK YOU! I so needed this. My husband and I have recently decided to divorce. It is hard. We had a great life in another place and then we both lost our jobs. And then we had a lovely boy with some congenital health issues. And then we got and lost jobs again. And again. I have moved back to my hometown where we have lots of support. Husband has chosen to try to live in the past. IT WILL GET BETTER. It may not be the life I dreamed. But it will be okay.
It’s been 3.5 years since you moved? where does the time go.
You done good girl, your happiness and contentness is palpable in your posts
Change is hard for me too. We have moved twice this year and are finally settled in our new home and it still doesn’t feel like home. But home is the people not the place isn’t it?
Also I keep thinking my bedroom light switch should be on the right instead of the left ; )
I swear we were separated at birth. I’m sure I would handle a move much like you did. I am not good with changes like that either. Heck, I had a hard time moving to a new house that was one mile from our old house. I’m crazy that way. I get attached to “the same” whatever. I like the familiar.
But, change is good. And good can come from change. We both know that, but it is hard in the moment. You described it perfectly.
Beautiful post! And yes– as someone who has moved a lot I totally understand this one- but truly the house, the city in the end it all kind of blurs together and it is my kids and my family that I remember.
Pitter patter. LOVE.