Pie & Other Fall Things – Old School Blogging

Fall competes with spring for the “favorite season” award in my mind.  While I do love the colors and temps of fall, I think I like all the flowers and the “newness” of spring more.  But spring does not have as much pie so… it’s really a toss up!  (summer also has its merits, like no lunch-packing and family vacay…)

This month Nancy of Bacardi Mama (and faithful OSB linker) and I have paired up to bring you some questions about Fall, in all it’s pumpkin-y, earth tones glory.  Copy and paste the questions below and join in for this month’s fun questions!

Extra points if you give me a pie recipe in the comments.*


What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Lately it’s Kit Kats.  The little ones.  Although, I eat like 5 to 6 at a time so I guess that adds up pretty quick to almost a big one. 🙂  I also like the bite-size dark milky ways.  But not as much as Kit Kats.  (oh, and 100 Grand). Yum.

P.S. See this list for OTHER things you can hand out at Halloween




What is one of the worst “treats” you ever received in your candy bag?  I recall an apple with a note attached (not even sure how that worked) with something about cleaning my teeth after all that bad candy. LOL.



Nothing to do with apples, just a cute little kid as a skeleton.


What was one of your favorite costumes you wore when you were a kid?

Is it sad that I do not remember my costumes very well? I know I went as a hobo clown one year and wore one of my Dad’s REALLY awful ties form the 70’s.  That was fun.  And one year I think I went as Barbie with one of those HORRIBLE, thin plastic masks that almost make you not be able to breathe. Fun, not fun, ya know?


I may have been too old to go trick-or-treating…


How about your favorite costume as an adult? Probably when I was a “farm girl” and G was a chicken.  I mean, so cute, right?  The “freckles” really make the costume, don’t cha think? Ha!



What scares you most on Halloween? Spiders? Zombies? Axe murderers? Eyeballs in a jar… (or something else)?

Anything with a weapon and a scary mask.  And blood.  ANY of those things in the dark, jumping out at me.  So yeah… haunted houses? NOPE.


So then, what is your favorite scary movie??

Huh? People watch those? NOT ME.

(okay, I watched some when I was younger but that was when I did not know better and I certainly DO NOT have a “Favorite”!!!)


Moving on to Turkey Day..

What is you favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?

The sweet potatoes.  And pie.  Okay fine, the rolls and stuffing and gravy too. 🙂


What is your favorite piece of clothing or accessory to wear in the Fall?

I love scarves.  And boots.  I have to choose? This is hard.



What is your favorite pie?  If you do not like pie I will forgive you but then what is your favorite Fall dessert?

Pecan pie.  With LOTS of whipped cream (REAL whipped cream).



Do you live where there are four seasons? If so, where is your favorite place to see the fall colors?

Nope. I mean, we do get some fall colors here.  Starting about now.  But really there are only two seasons here, Hot and Humid and Dryish and Cool.  I wish I could head up to Vermont and see the fall colors there someday!



What is your favorite fall tradition? Taking the kids to the “pumpkin patch” and decorating outside.


Two years ago…


This year.


Is there anything else special about the Fall to you?

Just the family part.  I love getting together with our family at Thanksgiving.  And the cooler temperatures put a certain someone in my life in a better mood (he hates the heat and humidity) so that’s always a plus.



Now it’s your turn to answer and link up!  Don’t forget to check out some of the other linkers (if not all) and see what they have to say about Fall.  Tweet with us too, using the hashtag #OSBlog and tag me (@elainea) and Nancy (@bacrdimama)


*points are worth nothing except my undying love. 🙂



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