I really like taking photographs but I don’t think I’m THAT good at it still, mostly because I don’t know a lot of the “technical” stuff. I recently bought a lens that isn’t fully compatible with the model camera I own. Does it work, yes. Does it work to it’s full potential? Perhaps not.
Tim bought Lightroom for me over the weekend and I have NOTHING but good things to say about it so far. It’s gonna take some learning but I’ve already figured out how to put a watermark on my photos so that’s a start.
I think I need to take a photography class either IRL or on-line to get better at photography because I know I said months ago that I wanted to. Sometimes it’s just hard with all the other things I have to do (you know, like run a household and other stuff like that).
BUT (and yes, it’s a BIG BUT).
I need to make it a priority if I REALLY want to do what I said. I really hope I can. Eventually.
(a pic of K from last August that I practiced on. yes, she’s still using a “paci” and yes, she’s still this beautiful, but with longer hair...)
Linking up with Wordful Wednesday.
Nothing wrong with a paci! I really need to get some sort of photography program for my ‘puter. Lighteoom, huh…I’ll have to check it out!
I totally need to do a photography course! I got my first DSLR a couple of months ago and really need to learn how to use it properly. I have a book, but it’s boring, and I think a course would be WAY more fun. Need to find one locally that’s not too pricey. Online courses would fun too, maybe I’ll check them out.
I always love seeing your photos.
I don’t know anything about photography but that is a beautiful pic of your little one.
I have Lightroom and I love it. Do I know everything about it? Nope, but I sure do like playing around with it.
Love that photo of her.
Elaine, The class I took last year is fabulous. You can find it in my sidebar. It’s called shoot from the heart. It’s an online class that lasts about 9 weeks. It’s very thorough and the teacher, Karen Russell, is extremely helpful. She answers every question in detail on the message boards. There’s a long wait list for her class, but the way it works is whoever is on the list can sign up for the class. She has a designated sign up time. I think the next one is coming up in a few days. It’s on a first come first serve basis as long as you’re on the wait list. You just have to be a fast typer! The class sells out in minutes, but I got in on my first try with the help of google auto fill.
lightroom is AWESOME. seriously, my favorite. so holler at me if you need some good tips. [and for SURE come by my blog tomorrow … ahem]
I think your pics are great! My friend who is a great photographer told me just to take out the manual, study each page and test myself after a few pages – just really play around with all the features. Great job on the watermark!
That picture looks great, Elaine! I, too, wish that I had more time to learn about my camera. I’m pleased with the pictures that it takes, but I know that they could possibly be even better!!
My son is just shy of being 3. And still uses a paci. Anddd.. I really don’t plan on doing anything about it anytime soon. TAKE THAT paci-haters.
& Atleast you’re taking pictures! That’s the important part.
Wow – her eyes are sparkling! You keep on keeping on with your photography, Elaine!
Such a darling pic!
Yes, this. Follow your dream my dear friend.
That photo? Incredible!
Great photo! Keep on following your dreams! Following you via GFC.
The depth in that photo is amazing, great job girl!!
Great shot! And I LOVE Lightroom!
Do it! Do it! Find an online class or even a night class at a local collect (like a continuing ed class)!
(Not saying you need it, but I know you would enjoy it!)