There’s a horse farm and stables right smack dab in the middle of our neighborhood. At the end of one of the streets you can walk right up to the fence that separates the humans from the animals and the area where the horses graze and are fed their daily hay.
And the other day when we walked up to that fence and the boys petted their heads, and got a little skittish when they snorted, I got a little sad.
Why you ask?
Because they plan to drill for natural gas on this very spot, right in the middle of the farm and OUR residential neighborhood and frankly, I am NOT happy about it.
I hope they change their minds or the funding falls through or something. I know, I am probably totally disillusioned but I’m okay with that.
Oh that is totally sad!!
Hoping that the funding falls through too!
Sorry to have been MIA recently, I have been just beyond busy!
Happy PSF!
oh I LOVE horses!!! Sorry to hear that – we had 4 farms with horses around my house – there is only 2 left – one more going this year!
I hope you get your wish — and I love that last shot!
we have horses roaming the streets in my town, so country
oh my goodness! i LOVE that last shot. it is awesome!!
i hope that the drilling doesn’t happen too. it would be sad not to walk down and be able to see the horses every day.
Oh that last photo!! HA HA HA. I am seriously laughing out loud! Hilarious!
What a wonderful location to get some great images!
Oh, that’s awful! Save the horse’s land!
I hope they leave your horse farm alone.
We have a horse farm right next to the church. The kids love it.
I hope you get your wish too! I can’t imagine how much fun that would be to have a horse ranch right in the middle of your neighborhood!
lovely horses! I can’t believe they are gonna drill in your neighbourhood! awful!
Oh no, no drilling! I hope the funding falls through too, for you guys and the horses.
We have horses in our neighborhood and the kids LOVE them! Great shots!
Oh, that really does make me sad!! I always love seeing that horse farm when we drive by.
I am all for the use of natty gas, but I wish it didn’t come at that expense. How sad.
Elaine, they are drilling here too (that shale is HUGE). We are getting money at least–I hope you are. You should be.
Hopefully the horses can stay. Maybe they could drill a a few miles or so away?
That is awful.
Beautiful horses! We hope to get a few in the next couple of years…..
Thanks for visiting today!
Oh that is sad. I hope they will reconsider, it would be a shame to not have the horses right there.
that is so sad for you and those poor horses. I hope it falls through too.
Oh no, you’ve GOT to be kidding! When I first saw those horses my heart just MELTED over my laptop. I just can’t imagine. Having said that…we lived on a wooded (beautiful) lot and then the city seized it and put a road in all our backyards. We tried to fight to no avail! SO frustrating, I wish you better luck Elaine because that is truly a gem!
That shot from the nose of the horse is genius! Great angle!
And that is such a pity. I am with you, hope the funding falls through.
Such a pretty spot. Such a shame to ruin it with drilling!
I know where that horse farm is!! That’s too sad…I hate when civilization ruins natural things …I’ve just been lamenting all of the power lines, etc. ruining the views of the sunsets!!!
Oh that just breaks me heart. They are so beautiful. I hope funding falls through or something, too.
That is sad
But the photos are just gorgeous! Maybe submit those as reasons why it shouldn’t go through?
I hope they change their minds too …
That third photo of the horses face … love that !
Awwww-that is so sad!!
I hope that something happens so that doesnt happen.
This is the site I see when I drive around where we live, I love it…Id much rather see this than tall buildings any day…so peaceful, so relaxing.
I adore the last picture!
When we lived in the country they drilled for natural gas less than a mile away from us and it smelled like gas for a few months. Sad. How horrible they are going to destroy a horse farm near you for it. I love the photo of the horse’s nose. They’re beautiful animals!
Love the horsie pics, especially the last one, haha! Oh, and I love your new button!
That totally stinks!
The horse pix are great! I love the last one!
I recieved the PSP games yesterday. Thank you thank you thank you so much. You have no idea how much.
A horse farm in the neighborhood sounds great, but the drilling not so good.
Love that last shot!
Aww I love horses. Loved your pictures. I hope they don’t drill there.