While I was “busy” pulling weeds out back yesterday and the boys were eating their lunch on the deck, I heard loud buzzing in my left ear. I looked over at the blooming holly bush and realized that there were tons of bees doin’ their thang.
I called The B Man over and when he arrived next to me he simply declared “Their busy getting their nectar!” Then he realized how many of them there were and he promptly scurried back up to his lunch. Like FAST.
I went and got my camera and busied myself with continued practice of taking close-ups with my camera.
Weeds, what weeds?
bees – already!!!!!
Great close ups!!! I am so ready for Spring even bees are a welcome sight!!
We love the bees! And their busy bee-hinds.
busy busy bumble bee’s do those guys ever rest. I think they are kinda cute shen you look at them, its there sting i avoid
great photo friday
Bees! Wow! Spring really IS here.
Those are great. You even captured the wings!
bees, come visit us too! Gorgeous shots Elaine!
Ok, the noise you heard in your yard was much better than the one I heard.
Great shots!
Awesome macros! I was actually stopping by to comment on PSF when I got sidetracked by your UBP post, so I came back. Nice to see you again!
u r way braver than me friend. i would have never gotten that close – even with my cameras zoom button!
That’s some pretty nice camera work there!
Great butt!! lol
You did a great job, Im allergic so I would not have gotten that close!!
I love that second picture!
That’s a LOT better than pulling weeds!
I can’t BEElieve it’s that time again!
Is there no end to what the Bee Movie will teach our children?
Heck yeah! Who cares about weeds with these beautiful creatures posing for you!