Wow, last year went by really fast and also pretty slow at times. Sounds impossible right? Typically the hard parts are what make it slow down, and that was no different in 2016. And yes, the good parts went by fast – really, really fast.

But even so, I like to concentrate on the good stuff. One way I always do that is by taking many, many photos. The only thing that I kind of regret this year is that most of them were taken with my phone instead of a better camera. I can’t completely knock it though, since that little contraption is just so easy to grab when I want to snap a photo. So yeah, 2016 is pretty much documented in iPhone photos, and I’m okay with that. Partly because most of those photos show the good. I did not take very many photos of the times I was down in the dumps because why would I? I mean sure, that’s reality and we all feel like crap sometimes. However, I feel like I can share that with my words if I want to. The photos are my happy and I want to keep it that way for now. I need and crave the happy.

I’m sharing (and re-sharing) some of my favorite times from 2016 through these images, which I created (mostly) with my phone, and with my eye and filters and cropping and all that jazz. It’s hard to pick just a “few” photos, so I chose one or two from each month and then specific favorites from my travels this past year, whether near or far. Plus, I guess I am kind of “selfie-centered” since I took quite a few photos of myself last year. (But remember, I used to take a photo-a-day with myself in it, so not as bad as I used to be – LOL!)


I also have some favorites of Ollie and the kids. Proof I kept them all fed and (mostly) happy last year.

See, another thing about that handy dandy phone camera is the AMOUNT of photos I take… This could be a good AND a bad thing.

WHEW! What a year!













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