So I was tagged for two different photo memes during this last week and unfortunately the first one is of me, on the evening I received the tag, in my jammies, wearing my glasses, sitting at my desk where all the “magic” happens. So now you all know how I look around 11 o’clock at night. Joy of joys.
Oh and I didnt’ floss beforehand because you AREN’T allowed to do ANYTHING before you take the picture so if there’s something stuck in my teeth I’m ever so sorry.
Can y’all tell I’m stalling here….
How ’bout a joke?
So a horse walks into a bar and bartender says, “Why the long face?”

And now I apologize if you were blinded because yes, I really am THAT white.
Now I have to tag 10 people. That’s a lot but here goes.
Hannah, Angella, McMommy, Jill, Lisa, Beth, Nicole, Liz, Wendi, Chelle
Whew, glad that’s over with!
Next I was tagged by Wendy @ Ruens on the Run for this photo meme.
Here’s how this one shakes down:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
Oh man, this one is SO much better! Check it.
There’s not much to explain here. Little G was almost 10 months old and in his “stand in the bath” stage. I had the camera out and luckily his boy parts aren’t showing. But baby got back though, huh? tee hee!
Here are the bloggy girls I tag for this one:
Christina, Jaimee, Mama Geek, Michelle
Enjoy ladies! Can’t wait to see your pictures – all of them! : )
And you LIE, you look so cute in your picture…I only wish I looked like that before going to bed!! I love it!
Love the baby bath picture too…he is adorable!
You look fantastic! PUH-LEASE…all that drama…;)
Oh those cheeks! Kamden’s butt looked just like that. I even had professional shots of it done because it was all dimply and cute. Why is it not cute when my butt is dimply?
It’s such injustice!
You look pretty at bedtime…ugh, not fair!
Baby butts are the cutest…that’s the best part of bath time…love pats on their bottoms!
You look adorable– I cheated when I did this a bit and covered myself in children so I was almost totally obstructed. And I love little baby tushes– almost to an odd degree!
Ok, I just snapped my pic!!! Will post tomorrow!
Cute!!! Love the naked baby picture!
And you look super cute for not getting ready at all!!! What fun memes!
I thought that was a great picture…
I let husband take the picture and will post it tomorrow. Right now it is late and I am tired.
You are soooo good and you look WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than I do. So glad that you didn’t tag me, not to mention I really stink at tag memes.
Hope you are having a great weekend, so I haven’t been by for a while. Life is wild around our house.
You are too cute!! And, I don’t think you are any whiter than I am. Plus, I have freckles! Blah!
Your little in the tub is just adorable! Cute picture.
Aw man…are you sure you don’t want me to do the second one?
As you may have noticed…there are very few photos of me on the ole blog.
There is a reason for that.
I look much better as a avatar!
Okay….I will play!
But payback will be h@#$!
Oh shush already, you know you’re adorable! That’s where Gav gets it from. Altho I have to say – his cheeks are WAY better than yours. :o)
You should be impressed. My post is already up.
Thanks for the tag! Memes are not my fave, but I played along a little, just for you
Thanks a lot!
I have thrown out my back and can’t get to my camera right now…seriously…but I promise I will do it tomorrow when I’m feeling better and i won’t put make up on or anything!
LOVE neked baby pictures!!! I will try to get to this one…I’m soooo behind!!
Seriously, you look fab (and thank you for not tagging me!!
And, love me some little baby cheeks! So cute!
Thank GOD I have on makeup today!!! Thanks for the tag. I would normally be cussin’ you if I hadn’t had to work early today! heh heh.
Fun! Love your glasses – so hip.
How gorgeous are you?! You are def one hot momma!
Thanks for the tag! I promise when I don’t look like death…I’ll do it
Can I do a belly shot instead of a head shot?