Categories: day

A “Peace” of my Sunday

I had to cantor at the 8 a.m. mass a few Sunday mornings ago. (For those of you who aren’t Catholic, that simply means I led the congregation in the music for the mass.)
I have a love/hate relationship with singing at this time because I have to get up quite early to get there, but then when it’s over, I have my whole day ahead. And, I’m all “prettied up” to boot!
That morning all was quiet as I got ready for church.
I left the house with all my boys still asleep.
As I pulled out of the garage at 7:30 a.m. I was simply engulfed in quiet, for once in my life.
I turned the radio volume to “0” and drove, listening only to my own breath and the sound of the car.
I drove through our neighborhood without passing even one other car. I thought about all the people, still asleep in their beds as I looked at the houses I drove past.
I then thought about ALL the people still snuggled up in their beds, asleep in the entire state of Texas and our country.
And even if they were awake, perhaps they were just making their coffee, reading the paper, or possibly their bible.
I contemplated how Sunday morning is still the quietest time in our part of the world (as it should be.)
I felt so peaceful and it was SO very nice.
I will continue to cantor at the earliest mass because well, it’s one of the few times in my life that I get a little peace. And we can all use a little bit of that once and a while…
Tell me, where or when do you find your peace?

(photo taken by me at Mustang Island, TX August 2008)


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