I had to cantor at the 8 a.m. mass a few Sunday mornings ago. (For those of you who aren’t Catholic, that simply means I led the congregation in the music for the mass.)
I have a love/hate relationship with singing at this time because I have to get up quite early to get there, but then when it’s over, I have my whole day ahead. And, I’m all “prettied up” to boot!
That morning all was quiet as I got ready for church.
I left the house with all my boys still asleep.
As I pulled out of the garage at 7:30 a.m. I was simply engulfed in quiet, for once in my life.
I turned the radio volume to “0” and drove, listening only to my own breath and the sound of the car.
I drove through our neighborhood without passing even one other car. I thought about all the people, still asleep in their beds as I looked at the houses I drove past.
I then thought about ALL the people still snuggled up in their beds, asleep in the entire state of Texas and our country.
And even if they were awake, perhaps they were just making their coffee, reading the paper, or possibly their bible.
I contemplated how Sunday morning is still the quietest time in our part of the world (as it should be.)
I felt so peaceful and it was SO very nice.
I will continue to cantor at the earliest mass because well, it’s one of the few times in my life that I get a little peace. And we can all use a little bit of that once and a while…
Tell me, where or when do you find your peace?
(photo taken by me at Mustang Island, TX August 2008)
My peace comes when the monsters are in bed. Some days I live for that.
Beautiful post, Elaine!
My peace comes at night when my kiddos are tucked snuggly in their beds. No tv, no phone, no noise. When it’s warm, I like to sit on the front porch and enjoy the sound of the river flowing in the distance. That is peaceful.
That is a fantastic post!
I love that time on a Sunday morning. The roads seem so empty.
Here they have Sunrise Easter Mass at the beach. We go every year. It stinks to get up that early, but as the sun comes up (usually during the Gospel) it is all worth it!
My peace is alone in my car as well, I love it! I also make myself get up at 5:45 just to have my alone time before they all wake up..its very peaceful knowing they are all safe and asleep in their beds.
Gorgeous picture!
I love my alone time in the mornings. The hubby has left for work, the kids are still asleep. It’s just me & my coffee.
My other favorite moment is when we’re at the lake in the summer. There’s nothing like a sunrise or sunset over water.
Very early in the morning before anyone wakes up–I do my bible study. Total peace.
That is just beautiful! I do the same thing, just drive with no music and think and pray. I love that alone time I have.
I need more peace…I don’t get enough!
Beautiful post, Elaine. I love driving in the car by myself…especially with the radio OFF!!!
lovely – just lovely and to answer you query – I could almost laugh – there is no peaceful time in my life right now
For me, it’s in the car, with no children, no radio, no cell phone calls. After the kids are in bed, I’m still distracted by watching TV or cleaning or blog surfing, etc. That is NOT peaceful time for me. I need to shut my brain down at least once a day and unfortuntely, it doesn’t happen often enough.
Okay, who the hell (with kids) gets to sleep until 7:30? Cuz I’m gonna kick their a$$!
I do cherish driving in my car by myself. Though I can’t remember the last time I actually got to do that. It is so peaceful.
I also LOVE naptime. SO PEACEFUL!
I am Catholic but didn’t know that term, of course, maybe if I actually attended mass once in awhile….
That picture is gorgeous! My peace is once the kids go to bed each night and Jay and I can do our own thing
That’s a beautiful pic… I love the beach… it’s my serenity…
I’m new here! What a great blog
I definitely think my peace is on the weekend…it is to chaotic during the week.
This was so beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.
How wonderful. Peacefulness is certainly lovely, and I am ever so grateful when God bestows that upon me.
I used to teach Sunday school (pre-kids), during the early service. I always went to church alone, and Andy would come second service, so that we could attend the service together. I remember those mornings! I used to drive in silence, too. I’d pray, and hum to myself. It really was a peaceful time!
NOW- I live for Bible Study night. It’s the one time I get to drive alone- guaranteed, every week! I love it. I always drive in silence. mm… So glad that is happening…TONIGHT!
That was nice. I enjoyed reading that.
Most recently I can really only find that nice quiet peace when I am just waking up in Wisconsin…looking out at the sun and just taking it in for a couple of minutes before I get up and face the day.
I love it when everyone is asleep but me and I can curl up with a book and just listen to the sounds of my house. Ideally it is a rainy, cool day and this quietness occurs during naptime. I truly love that time.
I find mine late at night after everyone else has gone to bed. A little bit of peace and quiet is worth missing out on a bit of sleep.
such a lovely, peaceful moment. Yes, we all need that peace – and it’s worth missing sleep by staying up late or getting up early to find it!
Gorgeous picture, really so beautiful and perfectly peaceful.
What a beautiful poetic post Elaine!
I find peace in a hot bath late at night after Jackson is in bed, it’s a good way to let the stress of the day out.
That’s great, Elaine!!
This may sound crazy, but I often find peace in the middle of the night when I am nursing the baby. The house, the world, is so quiet and it is just she and I together. All I can hear is her breathing, it’s so soothing and peaceful.
This was beautiful!
I find my peace early in the morning before everyone else wakes up…
Those moments of peace are so precious, are they not?
Lovely photo.
Ugh Lainey, my mom made us go to 7 am mass I hated it!… but there was always some IHOP in the deal, so that was awesome.
This was a beautiful post, Lainey wonder why you’re so pensive… hmm… what could it be…
Rare moments of quiet are so nice. I don’t come by them very often.
Beautiful photo!