I want our children to be proud to live in the this country but I think they are still a little young to understand the concept fully. It’s just a pretty BIG thing to grasp when you really think about it.
I looked at Tim as we waited for the fireworks to begin (on the evening of the 3rd… that is when the best show happens around here) and asked him what he thought our forefathers would think about how we celebrate our Independence these days…
You know, like with face and arm painting…
And shirts that say “Rock On America”…
And eating frozen yogurt that drips down your chin and onto your patriotic-ish, little-girl top…
Or waiting for the fireworks show while splashing your feet in a pond…
How about making dessert that is both delicious and looks patriotic…
Or letting your young boys play with fire. This IS what they meant by the “rockets red glare” right??
Okay, maybe not.
Either way, God Bless America.
And by the way, I think our forefathers would be good with it. Especially Benjamin Franklin. He was a really cool guy.
Love these pics!
We are supposed to celebrate our independence and that looks like celebrating to me!
Great pictures.
That dessert looks yummy!
Now, that’s looks like celebrating! It think our forefathers would be just fine with it all.
LOVE the face painting. We went to a small town festival here and the kids had a great time. It was on Saturday. I definitely think it is something we will do again next year.
I love the one with their little feet in the pond – so cute!
Looks like a fun 4th of July and lots of great photos! I love the one at the lake. That dessert looks yummy!
Ha! What a cute post! I think they totally would have approved – especially of the fire part. Your kiddos are so darling!
I think they would be thrilled! And wow, your photos are amazing…. that one of the three of them by the pond…. that one is a show-stopper ;D Framer, for sure!!!
Elaine, I love EVERYTHING about this post. The pictures are stellar and they’re not even the best part. I love love love the narrative that goes with the pics and the kids and the settings and splashing their feet in the pond and I could go on and on but I better stop.
Let me just say, BEST POST EVER!!!
I’m sure they all met up for dessert after signing the Declaration of Independence. I’m sure of it! =>
*Sigh* This is, in part, what they meant- I’m sure of it.
Family and fun and love and joy and choices.
Beautiful pictures of your beautiful family my dear friend!
Yum for the desert and frozen yogurt… great pics and it looks like you did a good job celebrating.. who could disagree???
Looks like you had a really great holiday! Loving that face paint!
Great photos! Absolutely love the one in front of the pond. It helps that the kids are stinking adorable.
And you’re right – Ben Franklin WAS a cool guy!
looks like you celebrated just like so many of us do these days… covered in patriotism and surrounded with love. Perfect
Hey lady! Love this post and the pictures. Your kiddos are beautiful.
It looks as though you and your family had a great time, and that’s what matters most on any holiday!
Ben Franklin would have LOVED it!
What a bunch of cuties. I love the frozen yogurt pic.
I love your pics. It looks like you guys had a good time.
Your pictures are priceless! Our 4th paled in comparison by a lot! You celebrated the old-fashioned way, with loads of patriotism – I love that!
I just LOVE your pictures, Elaine.