So, I’m still training for the half marathon I plan to do the first weekend in December. I missed part of my schedule last week due to being sick but I got back on the treadmill on Monday and things were fine. I was only able to go 2.5 miles but I figured since I was laid up just a few days before, that was pretty good.
I ran 4 miles on Wednesday morning and it was a really good run.
Then this morning I decided to run on the outdoor track at our gym since I need to start running outside more. I could only make it 2 miles before I felt like I just could not breathe out there. I went inside and did another mile on the treadmill and it took me 11 minutes to finish. My current pace is about 10:15 a mile, so this was not ideal.
Not sure what my problem was this morning but we all have bad days. I’m hoping to run 5-6 miles on Sunday and then I’ll basically be back on schedule.
SO much of this is mental. And I know that’s a “no-brainer” (no pun intended) but I also think this morning, I just wasn’t that “into” my run, if that makes sense, and so that held me back. I know some of you totally know what I mean…
As far as my ankle/calf go, I’ve been to the sports chiro guy 6 times now and it seems to be getting a bit better but the pain is still there. Funny thing is? It doesn’t usually bother me while I’m running, more so when I am simply walking.
At my appointment on Monday I mentioned to him that I walk around the house barefoot the majority of the day and that we have NO carpeting. The entire floor is either tile (where I spend most of my time walking) or hardwood. He found that QUITE interesting and told me that may be part, if not all, of my issue. This pain did start after we moved into this house…
Anyway, he told me to wear shoes all day, every day this week, along with doing the stretches he’s assigned me and icing my foot every night.
Does it seem better? No, not really. Boo.
My ankle also swells on the right side of my Achilles and that hasn’t gone away either.
The pain is manageable, obviously, but it’s just so darn annoying sometimes. I just wish it would go away but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards anytime soon and I’m not sure how much more the doctor can do for me at this point.
But, I guess if I can still run and there’s no major pain then it’s just something I have to live with. Which frankly, kinda stinks.
Sometimes I wish I’d hat the wherewithal to start running earlier in life, you know before the aches and pains of time past had started to settle in but then if I had, maybe I’d be too tired to run now…
sucks that the shoes in the house trick didn’t work
totally get what you mean about not being mentally into a run. that can make or break a run sometimes.
I’m sorry your foot hurts. I hope it gets better soon.
Wish we could run/train together- running with someone totally makes running better. Hope you figure out the foot issues quick!
One week might not be enough to notice a difference, don’t give up yet.
Remember when you couldn’t run at all? You have come so far and you will do this. Injuries are par for the course and if you manage them well, you will be fine.
I also recommend massage therapy. It really worked to get me through my last half pain free.
Keep it up girl, you are doing so wonderfully!
So sorry you are having so much trouble. I completely admire your commitment. I just can’t seem to stick with it.
Pain sucks. I would do some research about running form and shoes too before you decide to just live with it.
I totally get you on the mental barrier–which is why I am not running with you.
It has to be a whole person experience and I can’t commit my whole person to it, unfortunately. So proud of you though!
I know exactly what you mean by not being into it and that hurting your run. I’m sorry about your foot. I do hope that starts feeling better quickly!
Ouch. So sorry it hurts.
I can’t run because of my knees. Just won’t happen, so I get it.
Every runner goes through this. And you are right. It is mental. You just have to try and wait it out, and keep running in the meantime. The aches and pains definitely make it harder.
Hang in there!