I’m going to be honest with y’all right write up front. I started writing a book for #NaNoWriMo and I have really no idea what I’m doing. I mean, the words are making it onto the screen (albeit not NEARLY as many as I am supposed to write a day) and I have the full,…
Decisions For Myself
Sometimes I feel like I am living two different lives. One is similar to the one I used to live but there is no husband in the house. At the front half of the week there are kids to talk with and hear the laughter of, and homework to be done. There are still schedules to adhere to…
Post-Election Blues
Yesterday was weird. I was in a haze for part of the day. I woke up and saw that Trump had won and I cried. No, I did not vote for Hilary either. I am one of those “3rd party” voters that people are pissed at. Funny thing is, I didn’t even vote for one…
These Kids
Last Friday I took my kids’ lives in my hands by insisting that they let me take some professional-ish photos of them. You know for posterity and Christmas cards and stuff. I present you with the results. With added commentary. I like to call this little set “When we first got there and things were…
Don’t Judge Me Because of My Divorce
My marriage was supposed to work out. It was supposed to be the marriage of all marriages. It was going to last forever and yes, have it’s ups and downs, but we, as a unit, were going to get through all those downs. There would be romance and love and hearts most of the time….
Some Things You Need To Know About Me
I am loyal to a fault. Good music makes me completely swoon. I believe art is life. My kids are my world. I cannot wait to get to Paris and Prague. (Jennie, I’m coming, I promise!) Someday I want to get married again. I could live at the ocean. Starting tomorrow. I love my hair….
Dependent on Him
I used to think that my happiness depended on other people. I would get so upset and irritated when they did not act the way I wanted or expected them to. I will be completely honest, I wanted everyone in my life to fit inside some perfect little box, or imaginary boundaries of behavior that…
This Dog
When we decided to get a dog back in the summer of 2014, I was completely on board. I wasn’t so sure about the puppy part but someone in this house at the time wanted THIS kind of dog for a long time, so we decided the best route to go was to get a…
Ripped Jeans Wrangler
I really, really like clothes and shopping. I was a merchandising major for gosh sakes, it’s pretty much a requirement. I mean, if I’m not wearing something “trendy”, those girls I went to college with in the 90’s are going to find me on Facebook and totally call me out on it, right? Okay, we know that’s not…
Kid Requests
My kids are always asking for stuff. From a quarter for that dumb toy from China, from inside the Godforsaken machine in the lobby of the pizza place, to toilet paper. Obviously one of these things is a necessity (at least in our house) and the other SO. IS. NOT. Here are some other things they…