Wow, last year went by really fast and also pretty slow at times. Sounds impossible right? Typically the hard parts are what make it slow down, and that was no different in 2016. And yes, the good parts went by fast – really, really fast. But even so, I like to concentrate on the good stuff. One way I always do…
Christmas in Canada
As I saw this scene out of the tiny airplane window, Michael Buble’s version of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” came on over my headphones and filled my brain. It was like shuffle kismet. And this was just Toronto. I wasn’t even in Edmonton yet. And y’all, I was not sitting by the window….
I am leaving for Christmas. I have to go because I will not be with my children on Christmas this year. That is going to be crazy tough, no matter where I wake up that morning. These are the times when I tend to stop short and wonder how life turned out this way. Not being with my children…
Can You Be Humble?
This time of the year always reminds me how many people are less fortunate than I. And I mean in more ways than just what I have or possess. I also mean in the way of family, support and general love. I have so much of those things surrounding me, it truly is a miracle….
Chocolate Covered Cherries
The left side of the huge room was lined with vinyl rocking chairs circa 1950 0r 1960-ish. By the corner window, that faced the garden, was a dusty bookshelf and a table full of framed family photographs (also very dusty). On the back wall hung a now antique, aqua-colored rotary phone with the long, curly cord….
Chocolate Chip Cookies? Why Yes, Thank You!
My middle child has been on a baking kick for several months now. As a matter of fact, the last time we went to the library (and he got his own library card) the only book he wanted to check out was one with cookies recipes. He is so my son. 😉 Before we had to…
Ten Years A Blogger
Today is my ten-year blog-iversary. Yes, that’s right, TEN years. Hard to believe! I wish I had screen shots of all the old designs. I think I am on the sixth one. At least I have old business cards to document a few of them. Since I started writing here, so many words have come…
I Don’t Even Know What to Call This
I am sitting here watching Tiny House Hunters and wishing this was the last day of the month so I would not have to write anything else if I do not want to. In short, I need a break from #NaBloPoMo (only 2 more days). Back to the show… It cracks me up that these…
Waiting For Him
This time of year has always been one of my favorites. However, this year things seem a bit “off”. I almost started crying on the way to church today when I saw a car go by with a Christmas tree tied to the top. I imagined this happy family, all together, gathered around it, drinking…
Yesterday & Today
Today was a long day. Before we left Austin I ran a Christmas present errand and then I stopped by Starbucks. No big convo about my name this time. It was fun to play Santa for just a bit and a grab a coffee in peace. Then I loaded up the kids and all of…