Do you ever read the comments on other people’s blog posts and think, “Ah man, I wish I’d said that” or “woah, that comment was so perfect!”?? I do. Sometimes. But then I know I also have my own words and it’s okay to say something similar too, especially if I really mean it and…
Matching Umbrella
The rain has stopped but the puddles in the driveway call her name. She loves to jump and splash in them, just as any little girl should. She learned her technique from her older brothers. After I put on her “rain coat” she dashes out of the house to see her playground of water and…
First Communion Forgetfulness & MEM
I just have to say it is a good thing that God knows we make mistakes because I COMPLETELY forgot about the Friday night rehearsal for The B Man’s First Communion. Thankfully he had already practiced his reading, as well as how to line up and receive the host, the previous Sunday at the retreat they…
Then and Now
I think we get more brave as we get older. More confident. More secure in our own skin. I know I have. The other night I posted this photo on instagram and twitter. I’m wearing that “cramazing” (crazy & amazing make one word!) shoe and its mate to a shindig this weekend for Tim’s company….
I simply could not resist its charms
On my way to take photographs of my friend’s sweet baby girl on Saturday morning I happened to notice that a local antique shop was having a tent sale outside. I desperately wanted to pull swerve over RIGHT then and take a gander at what they had to offer and see what I could find…
The Puzzle
He sits on the floor with all the pieces spread out before him, some still upside down where you cannot see the part of the picture they will eventually make. I tell him he should do the outside border pieces first but he does not listen and just grabs the one that looks like it…
This weekend & MEM
Blink, blink, blink goes the cursor. Throb, throb, throb goes my head. But still, I want to put something out there for you all to see and read because I thrive off of it. I want to tell you how busy the weekend was with two photo shoots(!) and preparation for my son’s first communion…
Doing the best I can…
The other morning I sleepy-eyed open the freezer like I do on most mornings. I pulled the cardboard tab to open yet another box of “toaster sticks”, as we call them. My messy-haired self stuck two of them in the toaster and another directly on a plastic IKEA plate. Someone I know likes them frozen….
My Roots…
Today I am guest-posting at my good friend Erin’s place. She is an amazing mother, writer and friend and I am so honored to be sharing her space today. Please go check out my post, “Writing Ways” when you get the chance and do not be too jealous that I get to room with her at…
Out Back
Pretty sure my kids think my trusty camera is my fifth appendage. But I can still push them on the swings (although, good GRAVY, almost 5 year-old, learn to pump your legs already!!!) when we venture out back to play. And they don’t seem to mind too much when I take a break to snap…