Underneath one of the pictures I posted on Instagram the other day I wrote that I kinda feel like it (instagram) is becoming my “mini-blog”. And I’m not sure how I feel about that. I mean obviously, I am HERE posting, most days and I still love my “big blog” and of course the people who read…
Grand Memories
There are only a few pictures of me and my grandparents. Actually, I’m not even sure I have a picture with either of my Grandfathers (one passed away when I was 3) and there might be one or two of me with my Mom’s mother somewhere. I do have some photos of me with my…
If you ask me, 40 is the new 25. But no one asked me so…
We have a really good friend named Chandler. You know, like from the show Friends.Funny thing… He’s THAT good of a friend of ours. And he is just as easy to pick on. 😉Happy 40th (again) Chandler, we love ya! And I won’t call you an old man because well, 40 is just around the corner…
Birthday Bonanza
We are back from Texas. From one home to another we traveled all week last week. I started out where I grew up. And landed where I got married and had 2 out of 3 of my babies. Tim and I even spent a night in the hotel where we sat and talked for hours…
What Up Cuz?
My children spent a ton of time with their cousins in Austin earlier this week. From trips to the park across from my parents’ house to races up and down the sidewalk to getting rained out at a quarry splash pad, they had a great time. I’m so happy they get to spend time like…
Coming Home
I have not lived in Austin, Texas for almost 20 years. I laugh a little as I type that because well, it seems like such a long time. When I visit here I come to my parents’ house, the same one where I grew up, for all of my childhood. I’ve watched it change over…
4th Fun
We had a good 4th. Tim actually had the entire day off of work. I heard and saw a few complaints about the holiday falling in the middle of the week but for me, I thought it was awesome. It was SO nice to have Tim home and for us to all be together on…
A day early and a couple of milkshakes short…
Monday morning I woke up much earlier than usual to go to the gym before the kids were up and before Tim had to leave for work. This is not something I do often but with the kids all out of school I figured it’s a good plan some days. As usual, K was in…
These Hands
Every night I lie down with Katie in her bed, as she settles in for sleep. We read a book or two {she loves Goodnight Gorilla and Birthday Monsters}, say prayers and then we always sing at least one round of Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star. And she sings it with gusto, let me tell you. The…
Living la vida Louisiana & MEM
This week marks our three year anniversary of moving to Louisiana. Just the other day I was having memories of me and my pregnant belly driving down 49, with my two little boys and a hamster cage in the back of Tim’s Acura and my MIL in the passenger’s seat, helping to entertain us all. I can…