Hey!! Tap. Tap. Is this thing on? Wow, I feel like a week of my life was stolen from me. Seriously. At least I conserved make-up. 🙂 For a day or so I was in and out of consciousness while wearing a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks, at the end of August in south Louisiana (completely unheard of…
Blissdom ’13 & One 2 One Network
In January of 2011 I made a fairly “last minute” decision to venture to Nashville, Tennessee to attend Blissdom. I set off to only my second conference, at the time, to room with two other bloggers I barely knew and to see some of my other friends. As I rode the fairly empty bus from the airport…
F to the L to the U
I hate to have left such a “not so happy” post up on my blog for the last few days but you know, sometimes life is just well… that way. I’ve been in bed since Tuesday morning with the dreaded FLU. Full on fever, body aches cough, horrible, no-good, very bad FLU. And the kids…
A storm is coming. And I find that interesting since one seems to brewing inside of me too. I am not myself. I got bad news about my ankle today. (surgery) I have a kid who refuses to listen lately and hurts my heart on the daily. But of course I love him and I…
Tuesdays With Katie
Miss K (I think she’s pretty much graduated from “baby”…) is starting pre-school after Labor Day. She will go three days a week and Tuesdays (and Thursdays) will be our only full days together. Thursday mornings are booked with her class at The Little Gym and what I presume will be a few weekly trips…
School Lunch Reboot!
I am used to packing 3 lunches a few days a week but now I am definitely packing two lunches every day for my boys since G started Kindergarten this year! (and no, my kids do NOT eat the school “hot” lunch, by their own choice, which is fine withe me.) In years past I…
A Slight Reprieve
There have been just a few little signs that Fall is on the way around here lately. I know. I can’t believe it either. I mean, this is SOUTH Louisiana after all. But today I found the temperatures in the earlier part of the day to be quite pleasant and I went to get the…
When an almost three-year-old reads…
Someone I know that lives in this house and is short and naturally blond and female likes books a lot lately. She takes them into bed with her before nap and bed time at night. She “reads” them while TRYING to go potty (oh Lord help me…) She makes up her own stories from the…
Kindergarten! GO!
I probably woke up late because subconsciously I was not ready for this. I laid there while Tim readied himself for work all around me and the light from our bedroom window became more and more. But still, I did not rise. When I finally lifted my tired body from the bed and sauntered into…
Beyond Bologna: A Creative Back to School Lunch Challenge
My boys have already started school! And with everything I had to worry about to get my kids ready for the first day, it’s hard to also find time to get all creative in the kitchen. And, let’s face it, lunch is one of THE most important parts of the school day. So, in an…