Ten things I loved about Mother’s Day 2013:1. Breakfast in bed. Oh yeah! A cinnamon sugar donut (homemade by the hubby), eggs, bacon and coffee. That’s right girls, be jealous.2. HGTV while eating breakfast in bed. And boys bringing me pressies they made at school, WHILE still in bed.3. Church with my whole family, sitting…
Celebrating Mothers
Motherhood: One of THE most challenging and rewarding jobs ever. (my words) I know, you’ve read and heard it a million times. It’s totally cliche, but it’s true, true, TRUE. There is just no denying it. My own mother raised (in company with my father) three boys and a girl. She cooked, cleaned and even…
Gas Party
G’s class had THE cutest performance last Wednesday night. I know, y’all are still coming off the high of the Q & U Wedding, trust me, I know. But his teacher truly LOOOOOVES this kind of stuff. As a matter of fact, her kindergarten class is the only one to even do the “operetta”, the…
Old School Blogging – Pop Culture
Okay peeps, this month we want to know about what you like(d) out in the world of Pop Culture. You know, shows, movies, actors/actresses, etc. And please welcome my new co-hostess this month, Loukia from Loulou’s Views! We have been bloggy friends for a while years and she has an affinity for Old School Blogging just…
Past, Present and Future
I was looking at and working on our family calendar today. The future. We have kind of a big deal summer vacation in the works for this year and I’m pretty excited, really hoping it works out. I’m like a kid again, anticipating something really fun but “mom” and “dad” have not said “yes” yet…
A Day in the Life
I was thinking the other day about how my days used to go when I had only one child and still worked outside of the home. And I wasn’t thinking about it because I was necessarily wishing I was back there, of course not. I was thinking about it because I try to keep my…
The “H” Word
You know how you have this idea to record your adorable kid(s) because they are just so “DANG CUTE” lately and so you run and get your phone to keep their latest milestone and super cuteness for posterity? And to post it on your blog for all of your twenty-ish readers to see?? Yeah, that…
I Know Y’all Wanna See Some Wedding Pictures…
When B was in Kindergarten Q and U got married. And now G is there and they got married AGAIN. I knew this was a wedding I would not want to miss because I know his teacher, and she is GOOD. I was right. Q and U always get married near the end of the…
Living Up To My Name
As I post a few bits of random-ness, I pretty much feel like this… I am 4-5 episodes behind on the few shows I still watch on television. But apparently really do not watch anymore. I crack myself up. I was thinking about catching up on at least one installment of Revenge so I’ll be quick…
Things around our world seem to be falling apart this week so one afternoon I decided to take my camera outside for a bit to gather some perspective and even a little peace for my heart and mind. It worked for a little while… I thought about this post that my friend Tracy wrote and…