So yeah, school ends for all of my children by Friday. How excited are we? WHEE!! I know they could use a break from the routine but I am not so sure I can survive it. Here it what is going through my head right now as the end is near… Oh yay! I can…
I have been listening to the Christian station while tooling around in the van quite a bit lately and I started to wonder why I was suddenly drawn to this music… Well, the battery went out in my van a few weeks ago and Tim quickly installed a new one while at a gas station…
2 + 5 = SEVEN!
When “Little G” was born I watched the American Idol finale from my hospital bed while I continued to learn to nurse him. I always remember who won that year, it was Jordan Sparks. She beat out Blake (cannot remember his last name) and I was a little sad about that. But I was happy…
Mothers, Mothers Everywhere!
In the last few weeks I have listened to so much and read a lot and felt so much about Motherhood. Because of that and also because of the phase I am at in my life, the meaning behind the act of Motherhood seems to be taking on new life for me. Recently I came to the epiphany that I…
It Was Truly Amazing
There is a popcorn kernel on the rug next to K’s cute silver sandals, dropped there by G. There are LEGOs on my desk in front of me that G built, a “unicorn” for each of us. He even used a Sharpie to make smiley faces on them. In the chair next to me is B, navigating…
Out Loud
For those of you who read here regularly and/or are friends with me on Facebook, you know about the show coming up this weekend, Listen To Your Mother. As the official “producer” of the show, and with Jennifer at my side as the director, a lot of hard work, worrying, laughter, and even a few…
Because I’m Happ-ee-ee-ee!
If you don’t know the song then you may not “get” the title of this post. And if you REALLY do not know the song then you’ve been living under a rock. If that is the case, I’m sorry, that must have been dark and claustrophobic. But we’re so glad you’re back!! (I know, I’m…
The What, Why and How of My Writing
It’s kinda funny to write about writing, right? I mean, I think so. But Jennifer (and actually Angela too) pushed me into encouraged me to put it out there about how I write so here goes. Let me know if your writing process is similar to mine. Also let me know if it is not….
Some thoughts, some pictures
The other day I walked into the dance studio to deliver K to her class and on the long bench before me sat several mothers I did not recognize. But then I DID recognize them. They were mothers of little ones. You know, new-ish moms with kids younger than school age. Each one sat with…
Easter Ease
Have you ever wished you could just beam yourself somewhere? Seriously, how cool would it be if we could really do that thing they used to do on Star Trek? (I mean, not really a fan of the show except for that part… I was more of a Three’s Company kind of gal. Still am…