My boys went back to school today (and K starts on Monday!) so you know what that means right? Even though technically, there is still over a month of Summer left, it’s over. The lazy mornings and pool time and PJ days are a thing of the past. Well, until next June anyway. And here’s…
5 Ways Having a Puppy is Like Having a Baby
1. They wake you up in the middle of the night (to pee). Thankfully there are no soaked-through diapers but still, I’m AWAKE now. 2. You talk “baby talk” to them. “Oh, hey wittle man, you are SO cute and I wove you so much! You have de softest erahs eva!” (okay, maybe not…
Take The Long Way Home
My oldest kiddo went to sleep-away camp for the first time last week. He was dropped off by Tim while I was on my way home from BlogHer. That wasn’t a really fun feeling, by the way – your kid being dropped off to somewhere they have never been before whilst you get to miss…
Harder than it has to be…
I wrote this post a few months ago, you’ll notice my reference to Spring Break. Since then things have improved quite a bit. They are not perfect, but they are better. It may be because I’ve asked for help with this, in both prayer and to friends and in things I have read. But this…
So, How Was BlogHer?
It was pretty good, I have to say. Many of my friends were there and the sessions I went to (3) were quite good. Especially the session within in a session with Cheryl Dumesnil where we talked about creative writing, and she used poems as examples. That was really great! And I loved the small…
Samsung Home #BlogHer14
I think my kids open the refrigerator door about 502 times a day. And the dishwasher in my house is probably my most used appliance. And no, I don’t mean one of the kids or the husband. I mean my ACTUAL dishwasher. We are close friends. (although I am gently encouraging forcing the kids to help…
Canadian Fun!
I’m leaving for BlogHer on Wednesday so I want to leave some more a kajillion photos from our trip to Canada up before I jet outta her (Get it, “jet” outta here? I know, I’m hilarious). They don’t need a ton of explanation. You can probably tell from them that we had a wonderful time! We…
To Alberta, With Love
The week before last we made the trip to western Canada again to spend time with my cousin and her family. Because my cousin Misty is more like a sister, we just call all the kids cousins (and they are technically, just second cousins) and sometimes even say “Aunt” and “Uncle” for my cousin and her…
Dreams Do Come True
When I was a little girl I had dreams of being the next Madonna. Okay, minus the cone bra, but you know what I mean. I used my “jam box” to record my favorite songs off of the radio on to cassette tapes, or just bought the “single” on tape during my next trip to the…
The 4th, And now the 5th…
I mentioned on Facebook that this last weekend, 5 years ago, we moved. A lot has changed in those 5 years, but especially my kids. I mean, one of them wasn’t even born yet when we came to Louisiana. Every year at this time when I think about this anniversary, I marvel at how much…