I have a slight obsession with paper, I always have. I used to love to cut up magazines and make collages and I love to write on paper (although I do not do it often enough anymore). In the past I have been known to spend a long time in a stationary or scrapbooking store,…
Get The Behavior You Want… {The Three R’s of Parenting}
You know what is really good? To have a doctor friend in your back pocket. Or even your front pocket works, just make sure she doesn’t fall out. 😉 I have a friend who is a doctor and not only is she a really good one, but she is also a parenting pro! Many times…
Down on the Horse Farm
I mentioned in K’s birthday post that she likes horses. Although, “like” might be a bit of an understatement. “Obsessed with” is probably more accurate. I am so glad that we found the perfect spot for her party this past Sunday and I am even more thankful that the weather was absolutely perfect! We were…
Kay Kay is Five Today
I can still remember when the sonographer confirmed that I was having a girl, at my 20-week appointment while pregnant with K. Unfortunately only she and Tim saw the enormous smile on my face, I kind of wish I could have seen it too. It wasn’t so much that I really wanted a girl, I…
These Kids, They are Special
Sometimes when I really start to think about my children and their qualities and uniqueness, I get teary. Okay wait. EVERY time I think about those things, I get teary. I mean, they’re my kids. And one of the things I love about them MOST is their uniqueness. Sure, some of their “qualities” get on…
The Goodness
Earlier this week I heard my priest speak outside of church. He was talking about the innate goodness in us. And how it is so much within us when we are children but as we get older and more jaded, it begins to disappear. Now before you stop reading because I said “priest”, please know…
Tid Bits
Do ever get that kind of “naggy” feeling? Like you have all these “little” things swirling around in your head and you’re not just quite sure where to start? This happens to me sometimes. This is part of the reason I have a few “to-do” lists on my desk. And a paper calendar, along with…
Old School Blogging – Fall Into Fall!
I am SO very ready for Fall to arrive this year. Unfortunately the fact that it begins this weekend is lost on Southern Louisiana. It doesn’t usually kick in around here until mid to late October and right now we are still dealing with temps in the low 90’s and the humidity from H.E. double…
Lunch Packer – Russbe Bags {Giveaway!}
Packing lunches is one of my morning tasks. I pack in the morning because I like everything to be freshly placed in the kids’ lunchboxes the same day. Also, I just do not really want to do it the night before. By the end of the day, I’m done. But I find a certain pleasure…
A Day
I was inspired by Katie, from Loves of Life to post my day in pictures. I have done this before but it’s been a while. Also, the last time I did it I had kids around more. And I was taking self portraits so I was in some of the photos. Not this time. Plus, this…