This year for Spring Break we decided to head to Galveston, TX for a few days. We had never been before and I had heard good things about some of the attractions and that there is quite a bit to do with kids. Since it’s only about a 4 hour drive and there’s a beach,…
Old School Blogging – 12 Questions
Whew! Y’all, I almost forgot about Old School Blogging this month! Can you believe that? (yes, so can I). Thankfully it came to me amongst a ton of other random thoughts yesterday morning and my pal Emmy is a real trooper and decided short notice was fine. I have such great friends. Emmy is an…
Did Y’all Know That I am “Frumpy”?
Yeah, me neither. Turns out some stranger on the Huffington Post FB page thinks I am. I’m also supposedly a bad selfie-taker and because I do not like to impulse buy lipstick and shoes (okay the second one is kind of a lie…), I am “lame”. People also inferred that I like to sit around…
Down by the sea…
I smile the second I see it. I walk up and hear the waves. The water, so beautiful, so strong. It doesn’t love me as much as I love it but that is okay. I want my kids to feel the way I feel every time I am near it. I want them to be…
Easter Ease
We had a pretty chill Easter this year. I did spend quite a bit of time at church. But that is a good thing. A lot of times we go to Texas but the timing wasn’t right this year so we stayed home and had our own, calm weekend and a delicious meal that we all enjoyed,…
He Said My Name Right
Their home was so welcoming and bright. The first time I went over to meet them I do not remember all the details but I do recall feeling right at home very quickly. The living room at Tim’s grandparents’ home was one of my favorite places when we were first dating and it was the…
Double Ones (birthday post for my boy)
My oldest child is an old soul. He has always spoken well, since a very young age. I think he gave me a lot of trouble when he was a pre-schooler because he had so much he wanted to do and say but he couldn’t then. He was trapped in a baby boy’s body. This…
It’s My Party and I’ll Skate If I Want To…
A few months ago I was at dinner with some girlfriends and I asked them to start brainstorming with me about what I could do for my 40th birthday. I wanted to have a fun party that would take me back to my youth and make us all feel a just a tad younger for a…
One Spring Day in March, 1975…
…I was born. My parents were here visiting last weekend and during one of our conversations my mother decided she would buy a couple of little cakes and we would celebrate my birthday a little early, while family was here. Then she said, “Where did those 40 years go?” We both laughed a little as I…
What IS UP with this growing up stuff?
Oh man y’all. My kids are growing like weeds in Louisiana spring. I ain’t even kidding. (and don’t tell me ain’t ain’t a word because I’m using it today!) Last week I sat on a wooden stool next to my oldest child, at the orthodontist’s office while they adhered the first part of his braces…