Our Summer is flying by! Ooh look it’s already July. How’d that happen? Thankfully, we’ve had some fun and I have not heard “I’m bored” too many times to count. Okay, maybe I’ve just ignored it a few lots of times… Anywho, yes, we’ve done some stuff, maybe not everything I listed here (yet) but…
Home Makeover Edition
The house we live in and me, well…. we have a love/hate relationship. I love the size of the closets and all the rooms actually. I hate the lack of curb appeal. I love the kitchen, and it’s bright windows over the sink but I hate the fact that a “real”-sized fridge does not fit…
My Father
Every afternoon around 5 p.m. I listened for him. The engine of his gold Chevy truck grumbled as he cut it off and parked it perfectly by the curb. I waited for him to enter the house and delighted in the fact that my Daddy was home, safe with us again. Mom’s delicious supper was baking…
When the Nostalgia Kicks In…
There are many things about our childhoods that are different than the ones our own children are experiencing. I know it was the same for our parents and it will continue to be the same as new generations come into this world. But sometimes I find myself truly longing for the “easier” days of my…
Sum-sum-summa Time!
I can already see the syrupy popsicle, dripping down my middle child’s chin. I can see my little girl’s goggled-face smile as she comes up from under the water and my oldest’s feet coming before him on the slide at the pool. His BIG feet. My kids are stoked for summer, as am I. Last year I…
One of the Best Shows Ever
My arms were loaded down with a basket full of my dirty clothes, as I made my way down the long dorm hall and around the corner to the tiny laundry room. I crossed my fingers that one of the two machines would be free and heard a bunch of laughing as I passed the…
Ah yes, photography…
I’ve been a bit of a slacker in this department lately. My focus has been more on my writing. Which is good. But I miss photography when I do not stretch my lens. That’s my meager attempt at a metaphor. I am proud that I’ve mostly kept up with the self-portrait a day project, but…
Tweens and Tablets
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of OurPact. The other day I was looking over my B’s shoulder as he was playing Minecraft on the iPad that we consider “his”. He has loaded it with apps that he likes and uses it more than anyone else. It was a gift for…
I’m Sorry I Forgot to Read Your Blog
So, here’s the thing. I cannot always remember to read your blog posts just like you cannot always remember to read mine. I’ve never used a reader. Back in the day my sidebar, where I listed all the blogs I read, used to be my reader. Now Facebook sort of serves as my “reader”, between…
8 is Great!
Eight years ago I was hanging out in the hospital after having my second baby boy. That afternoon, after he as born, his older brother remarked that he looked like a burrito, all swaddled up by the nurses. He had THE roundest head and a pair of strikingly cute dimples that those same nurses fell…