I don’t want to be one of those people who makes “mountains out of molehills” or anything like that but the other night I was laying in bed thinking about this whole “The View” thing and what they said about Miss Colorado and her monologue about being a nurse. First and foremost, yes, they insulted…
Old School Blogging – ABCs of Me
So hey, what’s up old school bloggers? It’s BAAAACK! Aren’t y’all excited? I am! I sort of kind of (not really, just thought it best to) took a summer break from OSB but I am back and ready to read all about your ABCs of Me post this month! This one is TOTALLY old school….
Dig Deep
My mother-in-law stood in the middle of our carpeted living room with the sun from the skylight on her face, across from the man I had met only an hour ago, with his clipboard. I had just come back from my bedroom, after peeing for probably the third time that hour. She had a really concerned…
The View
In the summer of 1996 I went o New York City, New York for the first time in my life. I used my savings to buy the plane ticket and pay for the other expenses involved in the trip. It was actually a college class I took and so a group of us students and…
Let’s Have Brinner!
Oh my gosh, my kids love those words. Do yours? Wait. What’s “Brinner” you ask? Oh, that’s breakfast for dinner, Brinner. At least that is what we call it around here. And it’s a HIT!! Everyone in our house, including the dog, could eat bacon for every meal so that’s a no-brainer and along with…
Ocean = Life
When we went to Moody Gardens (this is NOT an ad post, I already did that, I’m just telling a story…) we saw a documentary on the IMAX screen there about life at the very deepest depths of the ocean. It was done by Jacques Cousteau’s son and it was some of the…
Taco Night
The ground meat sizzles in the hot pan and soon it will be many small crumbles, ready for my homemade taco seasoning. I use my handy-dandy Pampered Chef tool to make it that way. It’s really the only thing I have ever bought from PC that I use. Once again I have deemed it “Taco…
Oh yes, Phineas and Ferb
The last couple of weeks before school started we were kind of grasping for straws as to what to do. Okay, yes, there was a trip to the beach but I mean before and after that. It seemed like we had done all the camps and watched the LEGO movie enough and it was WAY…
Mosquitoes Be Gone! {Giveaway}
We live in the swamp. Okay, not the ACTUAL swamp, but you know what I mean. Although it was pretty dry here for the month of July and first part of August this year, typically that is not the case. Usually rain is abundant and plentiful most of the year. And the months of May…
(not so perfect) Mini Peach Pies
Remember when we used to get recipes from books and magazines? I used to get a SLEW of recipes from magazines. I tucked this one away LONG ago (approximately 2008) in my handy-dandy recipe binder, but just never tried it before. It includes the fruit of the peach, which is one of my most favorite-est fruits ever. (no,…