The year 2016 will bring about much change for me personally. Some of you know why and others reading this new post (finally!) may not. I am sorry to be cryptic but I am sure most of you can read between the lines. I will talk about what is really going on with me sometime…
Pie & Other Fall Things – Old School Blogging
Fall competes with spring for the “favorite season” award in my mind. While I do love the colors and temps of fall, I think I like all the flowers and the “newness” of spring more. But spring does not have as much pie so… it’s really a toss up! (summer also has its merits, like no…
Who Said Only Candy Is For Halloween?
I usually buy too much candy leading up to Halloween. And by “too much” I mean enough that we eat our fair share before the holiday even hits. My major weakness are the little Kit Kats. I used to really love the tiny peanut butter cups but apparently my taste buds have changed or something. I…
Totally Type A
Lest you think I am talking about my personality in the title (I might be a little…) I am actually talking about the conference I went to last week, Type A Parent. I cannot say enough good things about this conference! It was a wonderful size, in a great venue/location (Grand Hyatt in…
Extrovert Mom, Introvert Child
I am leaving in the morning for my first Type A conference (yes, I kind of resemble the name…). Of course I am a bit nervous because I’ve never been to Type A and there will be new people to meet and unfamiliar stuff. Also, my best conference buddy will not be there this time (boo)….
On Strong Hearts…
Last week my mom called to tell me that the pains my Dad had been having for a while in his leg had something to do with a blocked artery. After many tests and scans they decided to put a stent in one of them to help the blood flow again. However, when my father…
A Birthday to Remember
Today is my girl’s birthday. I already gushed about having a daughter last week so today, I just want to talk about her. The little person I know who is 6 years old today and means so much to me, her mother. Katelyn Cecilia was born on a Thursday morning via scheduled c-section. I remember…
Cathching Up With Netflix
My friends and I were talking the other night at our “moms night” about how we do not watch that much t.v. anymore. An by “t.v.” we really mean regular, night time shows. At this point in our lives is just kind of hard to do so. Even if we fill our DVR with things…
Tweet, Tweet
Do you still use Twitter? I do. Although I’m not completely sure why. I don’t think any of my blog traffic comes from there. I see most people using it for links to posts and lots of Instagram pictures. Which I get, I tweet post links (not just mine) ALL THE TIME as well as most of…
To Have a Daughter
“Come sit right here,” I say as I pat my hand on the sofa cushion. She sits with her back to me. Her pink hairbrush with a big white “K” on the back is in my right hand and I begin brushing a group of strands on the right side of her head. Wavy, so wavy and…