We sat together, waiting on the long bench in the cold corridor. One woman walked by and asked him a question that he quickly answered. I thought about how I liked her coat. It was sort of like a cape, but with sleeves. I felt comfortable there, next to him, yet truly uncomfortable for being…
A Few of My Favorite Things
I have a new desk in the office at the house and actually, the entire office is all for me now (there’s gotta be SOME positive to this new life situation…) so, the two work surfaces have things on them that I like. A lamp, flowers, a candle, trinkets from the kids, a favorite mug,…
In Case of an Emergency
I sat in the comfortable lobby, filling out the short questionnaire about my medical history, as new age music softly played over the speakers. I was so happy to be in the spa, waiting for my first massage in a while. I needed this relaxation time, badly. I filled out the standard information like my name…
Just BE
For several years now, may of us bloggers have chosen a “word for the year”. A couple of years ago my word was Brave and that was a really good year for me in the sense that I was brave in putting my creative self out there, especially the writer side of me. I feel like that could…
The Winter of My (Dis)content
The rain pounds on the roof and the wind blows as the “front”makes it’s way through. There is no powdery white snow here. Or any snow for that matter. Winter typically presents itself via coolish temperatures and the occasional freeze. Sometimes there is rain and cold mud. Brown-ish grass mixes with green and the camellias bloom…
Positive Person
I have always considered myself a pretty positive person, but I know sometimes I can also be like Eeyore. I try to be a glass half full, see the bright side kind of gal, but right now, at certain times, that is level 10 difficult. I was talking with a good friend the other night and she went…
The Unexamined Life
People get married and have kids, that’s what they do. If you’re me anyway. Of course there are many people who do not follow that path, but for me it was a “given”. I planned to do those things from a young age, be a wife and mother. In between those dreams I imagined being…
Books I Read in 2015
Last year I read close to 30 books. Some of them are not listed here because they were self-help type books and well… some things ARE still personal (believe it or not). Also, these are in NO particular order and it’s possible that I forgot a couple (clearly I need to keep better records of this in…
Going through difficult times in our lives make us want curl up in a ball and stay in bed. But that’s not my style for too long. I do it for a bit and then I get up. Because what other choice do I have? Keep going or not, right? I took a little trip…
Good hair, the beach and my dog
What do these things have in common, you may ask. Well, they have to do with my top-liked Instagram photos from last year. Let’s face it people, phone photography (“phonography”?) has taken over. I do not remember the last time I saw someone with a “real” camera, except at a photoshoot or big event (or…