Television sitcoms were a staple in my childhood. Reruns of shows like The Brady Bunch, Three’s Company and Happy Days were always on after school, before my mom watched Tom Brokaw report the world’s happenings and Alex Trebek asked intelligent people for questions. In the evening we watched the ones that were on in “real time”,…
Best Buy & Samsung – Quite the Pair!
While out shopping for a new refrigerator some people might say, “A fridge is a fridge is a fridge. They all keep things cold.” Yeah, but… that’s not all they do these days, actually. Samsung proves that with the amazing one I checked out while at Mom 2.0 last month. I am truly amazed at the…
What Would I Do Without Him?
Several weeks ago I was at home working and I needed to print something, only my wireless printer would not talk to my computer in the next room. Because I am a stubborn person, I tried and tried to figure out what the problem was. I consulted Mr. Google, the printer’s brand website and a…
Feeling it All
I haven’t rearranged the furniture. I haven’t started making the bed. The coffee maker sits in the same place on the counter. The t.v. turns on the same way. Their clothes still hang in the closet. Their toys still litter the floor. But things are missing now. There is less laundry, fewer groceries to buy….
Redefining at Mom 2.0
“I have what I call ‘moments of great gumption’”. – Meredith Sinclair “All I have to be is me.” – Allison Slater Tate “Allow your schedule to be altered.” – Danielle Walker “For tweets – it should be something you would say to your friend.” – Kj Dell’Antonia These are not my words. They are…
In The Audience at Listen To Your Mother
Last fall I signed on to do Listen To your Mother for the third year with Jennifer. However, life got in the way and I had to let it go for this year. I was saddened by this but also needed the time to get through my own stuff. Thankfully, Jennifer and Ramona were gracious…
The Right Vase
I’ve had this recurring dream a few times where I am in a department store shopping. I am looking in the home department, for a vase or planter for my house and I have something specific in mind. I see many other vases, the shelves are lined with them. Some are colorful, others are drab….
Staying busy is good for me, especially when it involves time with cherished family and friends. Thankfully, I have been able to spend quite a bit of time with both lately, and most recently my family. During the middle of March my parents came for their first visit here in a year! They were supposed…
Alone Time
I have to turn on the t.v. because it’s just too quiet without them here. I have it on mostly just for background noise, occasionally I really watch. This helps my brain pretend that it’s not just me and the dog in the house. Or something like that. There are a million things I could do, like clean…
Costo Comes to Lafayette!
We no longer use diapers at our house (baby wipes are still around though, they wipe up lots of things). We do however use a fair amount of toilet paper. And paper towels. And we drink a lot of Perrier. Okay, that’s mostly me. What I am saying is, shopping in bulk is a good…