Current random quotes from the 4-year old that resides within these walls.(I am just quoting people-if only you could hear the inflection in some of these…if only…)
1. I made this rainbow for you. It’s one of my many masterpieces.
2. Mommy you’ve gotta come here and see this – it’s so TALL! (you’ll just have to guess what he is talking about)
3. Mommy, why do you love me so much?
4. Gavin, Mommy said it’s time to clean up.
5. When I asked him how many times I had asked him not to dismantle the sofa he responded with “Several.”
6. I got the gas, MAN!
7. I’m never, ever, ever speaking to you ever again! (continues to talk). Ever! I am not talking to you! (still talking). Ever. Never! (and so on…)
8. Yeah BABY!
9. Gavin stinks Mommy. Go change him Right. Now.
10. I want a snack Mommy. or Can I have snack Mommy? (I hear one of these about 8 times a day.)
11. I love you SOOOO much Mommy.
12. I drink decaf. (he drinks some of my coffee on occasion)

(pictured with tea coffee set he got today for being good at the eye doctor this morning. It was really inexpensive and he loves to serve me pretend coffee & pastries with it. p.s. his eyes checked out great!)
How cute and funny~
I LOVED this!! I keep meaning to write stuff down and always forget it.
You will be happy you noted it
OK. I can’t wait until J talks. I love his babbling. BUT, this sorta makes me wonder more and more what it’ll be like.
3 and 11. I’m still a mush (recovering from the b-day).
Those are all AWESOME!!! He sounds like such a cool little guy! I love the one “I’m not talking to you ever again” … priceless!
P.S. Glad his eyes were fine!
he he! these are great!
glad his eyes are good.
I bet you are just rolling on the floor some days.
Glad his eyes are good.
I drink decaf. HA HA HA HA. That’s SO cute!
Oh that little stinker! He is too funny.
And that is a great thing about blogging. Now all the funny stuff they say is saved forever!
I hear the “look how tall” one too. I also hear, “The tree is alive, the tree is dead,” this usually happens in the tub.
So sweet! I love his coffee set. And how he drinks decaf.
So adorable!
I have heard many of these at my house too! I am loving number 7! I hear that, and just like that. Oh and Kirstyn also drinks her drinks with “no caffeine”. I hear, “does that have caffeine or not?”
ha ha, I love that rainbow one
That kis is too darn cute! I have my guess for what was TALL – but I hope I’m wrong. ;o) I hear #10 ALL DAY LONG, and I sometimes wish they’d follow through on #7, at least for a little while.
Too cute…I keep a little list of funny things the kids say here and there. They come up with the funniest things. I love it. great post!
This is why I love blogs–you will always remember this stuff
love em all. but number one is classic!!
i don’t even know him, but i can soo “hear” him
So cute!
Too funny!
And what a sweetie with his coffee set- you are training him well.
What a great idea for a post!
Love it and all his cuteness!
Hehe, I will have to make sure my wife notes down all those kind of phrases when our baby starts to talk (being born would be a start!), as i have ery bad memory problems, and those are *not* the sort of thing you want to forget!
The Broken Man
I love kid’s sayings! I know we’ll hear more and more from The Bean over the years!
Now that Trinity has her hearing aids, the things out of her mouth seem so funny. I love that you took the time to write(type) it all down.
Out of the mouth of babes!
He’s a card! I bet with his inflection and tone they are even more priceless…make sure you get them on the videocam before he moves on to even better expressions! I speak from experience here….
The stuff that comes out of their mouths is hilarious.
But you’re right – it’s all about the inflection – I don’t think writing it down does it enough justice!