Outside – You Capture

I went and did a little shopping tonight. BY MYSELF.

Did you catch that?

I was ALONE.

Now mind you, sometimes I like shopping with the family or even friends but tonight? I NEEDED some “me time”. Like soVERYbad. The last couple of late afternoons/evenings with the kids have been INSANE and I just needed a break from it all.

Thankfully my husband knew this and sent me on my way.

I hit the local mall first and after being accosted by those pushy kiosk ladies who wanted to put some “miracle” lotion on my hands (I did not let them…), I found this awesome store called “Charming Charlie”. I was instantly charmed. It was a Mecca of ladies accessories and although a bit overwhelmed at first, I found myself quite happy just wandering through…

This was after I visited Bath & Body Works and actually bought a couple of Christmas gifts for other people.

Then I got a couple for myself at Charlie’s place. Trust me, I deserved them. (this is also known as “retail therapy”, right?)

Long story short (too late!) I then ended up at Target (as usual) where I tried something on and just DON’T understand why they put THE most unflattering lighting in those fitting rooms. I quickly put my own clothes back on and decided I need to lose even more weight. Ugh.

All this to say, we DID get outside today. The kids and I even took a little walk around the block. And then it rained on us a bit. But otherwise it was a very pleasant afternoon, while we were OUTSIDE. Once we got back inside it was kind of a different story. Guess we just need to stay OUTSIDE. Too bad we can’t live out there… Camping anyone??

Empty tree branches = 8 recyclable bags of leaves
Two of my three blond beauties
A little blurry but definitely seasonal
No, not my front stoop (I wish) and no, not my cat (I do NOT wish)

This one got “leafed” behind. *groan*

K on the move in her “skinny” jeans. OH the cute.

Can you see me?


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