For those of you who read here regularly and/or are friends with me on Facebook, you know about the show coming up this weekend, Listen To Your Mother. As the official “producer” of the show, and with Jennifer at my side as the director, a lot of hard work, worrying, laughter, and even a few thoughts of “Why did I sign up for this?”, have all gone into the big finish that will happen this Sunday, May 4th.
However, I have not talked very much about the fact that I am reading on the stage myself. Yes, I am not only the producer, but also a cast member.
And truthfully, I am pretty nervous.
I admitted that to you all so that maybe I can just let it go from here. Fly away nervousness, let’s ride the adrenalin all the way home!
I totally just convinced myself, right?
Talking in front of a group of people has never been my favorite thing. In fact, I think maybe singing in front of people is easier for me.
But I started thinking about it today and how I told myself over a year ago that this was something I really wanted to do.
I sent in a submission for the Austin show last year and even though it was not chosen, I put it out there and there was a chance that I would end up on stage.
Jennifer and I like to tease and say we had to make our own show happen just so we could get up there and tell our stories, so I never thought of backing out of reading. And frankly, I need to read this.
The piece I am reading is something that means so very much to me. It’s about MY OWN journey into motherhood and I think it will hit close to home for many in some way or another. There are many things that are universal in motherhood, even though sometimes we do not always want to admit it or even like to.
Who knows if anyone will say “Me too” after I read it out loud but I would bet that at least one person will think it.
And that is why I believe it is so important for me to tackle these nerves and tell the butterflies in my tummy to chill out, because SHARING our stories is something we must do – for our own selves and for others. I believe that is one of the main reasons Ann created this show. And I believe it is one of the reasons it will continue on and on…
p.s. yes, this is me being BRAVE again. Listen To Your Mother has helped A LOT with that goal this year!
You are so so right. The sharing of our stories matters – for us and for everyone else who can hear them and say “me too.” Good luck in the show! I know you’ll be amazing!
Sarah recently posted…Trust Them To Learn
I know you will be too – coming to see the Austin show too – I’ll see you there!
Sharing stories with other women has saved my life. Relating to moms who have gone through similar experiences means so much to me – I can hardly put into words how much so.
Good luck this weekend – you will be amazing. xoxo
Andrea recently posted…Ten Things I Love About Mad Men
Thank you SO, SO much, my friend!! xoxo back.
So proud of you for this! Good luck with the show this weekend.
Julia recently posted…Homebody Problems
Thank you Julia. So much. xo
I would love to hear your story – and being up there in stage is definitely BRAVE! You got this. xoxox
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Experience2014 – April Round-Up
Well, you always read my stories and for that I am so grateful. And I’m grateful for YouTube since you can hear that way, sometime in the summer!
Thank you! xoxoxoxo
Oh yes. I love all of this, and you know I feel the exact same way. I’m so glad we are doing this together. SO GLAD!
Jennifer recently posted…Happy Mama Moment – Six
Me too, Thank you. xo
I’m so in awe of everyone doing this. It’s truly being brave. There were points of my life in which I could have done this. There will be more points of my life in which I can do this. I’m not at one right now! I get nervous these days to do just about anything.
MY HERO, you.
Tamara recently posted…Always Full Of Surprises.
It’s funny, I would not think that about you, Tamara. I bet you are more brave than you think. Thank you. xoxo
I am becoming more and more nervous as time ticks by! I’m scared. I’ve asked myself on more than one occasion “why did I do this?” and even through all of that, I wouldn’t back out or trade this experience for anything! I know it’s where God wants me to be, because he orchestrated so many pieces of this puzzle to get me there. So, it’s do it BRAVE ! You are an inspiration to me, so no worries
I can never tell that you are nervous AT ALL!
Debbie recently posted…How I Write
Oh Debbie, I get the more nervous thing! We can tackle it together. God knows what he is doing…
I LOVE your story and can’t wait to hear it live in person on Sunday.
Same to ya, Sister!
Love it, Elaine. I am so thrilled for your show!
Stephanie Precourt recently posted…Ways to Listen to Your Mother and Consider Her Feelings
Thank you, from my heart, Stephanie. For your support and friendship. It means so much. xoxo
You are going to do AWESOME!!
Natalie recently posted…What Jerry Seinfeld Taught Me About Parenthood
I hope so! Thanks for cheering me on, Natalie! xo
I am SO EXCITED for you!!!! So awesome! And yes, I agree with you. Singing in front of people is sometimes easier than speaking in front of people. Especially when it is something that you wrote because it is so personal. But, you will do wonderfully! I know it!

Good luck tomorrow! AND HAVE FUN!!!!! We are all cheering you on.
Kat recently posted…Gray Days
I CANNOT wait for your reading to get on YouTube!
So very proud of you and Jennifer.
Alison recently posted…Good Enough? Good Enough.
Shhhh… the videographer gave ME the card he put it on and I just watched myself. SO strange but really COOL! I cannot wait for you to watch it too!
I cannot wait to see you. I know that you were phenomenal. I’m so glad that the first year didn’t discourage you. Your story needs to be heard. xo
Kimberly recently posted…To The Moon
Yours too. And thank you, I cannot wait to watch them all! We need to have a twitter watching party. LOL!
I read this last week and am just now getting a chance to comment. I’m so glad you did it. I felt exactly the same way, I HAD to do it just this once. My heart was beating out of my chest but I did it. We both did. Wheeee!
We are awesome!
Way to be brave! I’m sure you did amazing. Next year I want to participate…the date just didn’t work this year!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…I found my people and my drive
I hope you can, Krystyn! It really is amazing.