I am not sure if I should be typing this now, as I may risk “outing” one 4-year-old Super Hero, also known as Super Squeaky.
Yes folks, he may be in your neighborhood “saving the day,” well…uh… any day now.
So… watch out as you walk your dogs, take your kids to the park or go out for the mail. And don’t forget, he’s hard to miss (I fashioned the “cape” and I am quite proud of that fact. Please don’t mock me.)
A little background here. About a month or so ago (maybe even longer?) The B Man decided he wanted to be called “Squeaky” (the mouse). On one of our outings with some new friends from a playgroup he told one of the little girls that his name was Squeaky and I am pretty sure she doesn’t even know his real name at this point.
On the first day of VBS they did not have name tags for the kids that morning. When I picked him up later that day his name tag said (yeah, you guessed it) Squeaky.
He’s back in “summer school” two days a week and after the first day of class, one of the mother’s I know told me that her daughter, that is in the same class, pointed at The B Man and said that he likes to be called “Squeaky.” We had a good laugh as I rolled my eyes. The boy knows how to get the word out, I’ll give him that.
These days, if we call him by his real, God-given name (which we often do!) he gets very perturbed and squeals, “that’s not my name, call me Squeaky!!” I have half a mind to change his birth certificate and then someday in the future when they call his “name” at graduation he will look out into the audience with a look of total bewilderment and all I will do is smile and wave. That’s the way you wanted it babe. Sorry.
Ok, obviously I wouldn’t do that. But I had fun envisioning it. For some reason in that vision I was dressed very much like Jackie O. Wonder if that is a fashion premonition of some sort. Perhaps 1960’s fashion will reprise itself in the year 2022? Thank God I still have some pill box hats (I used to collect vintage hats as a teenager).
Sorry, that was a left turn if I ever took one!
Anywho! Squeaky (oh no!! Now I am doing it too!) has declared that he is now a super hero and adorned himself in the above garb to prove his point. As you can see we are truly lucky to have our own Super Hero living within these very walls. Perhaps he is related to this guy?
P.S. The B Man did awesome at his first swim lesson last night (and yes, he did have the instructor call him by his new favorite name. It’s an epidemic). He says he cannot wait to go back.
P.P.S. Everyone is pretty much back to normal (as in Not Sick) and thanks for all the well wishes on yesterday’s post!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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