I am not sure if I should be typing this now, as I may risk “outing” one 4-year-old Super Hero, also known as Super Squeaky.
Yes folks, he may be in your neighborhood “saving the day,” well…uh… any day now.
So… watch out as you walk your dogs, take your kids to the park or go out for the mail. And don’t forget, he’s hard to miss (I fashioned the “cape” and I am quite proud of that fact. Please don’t mock me.)
A little background here. About a month or so ago (maybe even longer?) The B Man decided he wanted to be called “Squeaky” (the mouse). On one of our outings with some new friends from a playgroup he told one of the little girls that his name was Squeaky and I am pretty sure she doesn’t even know his real name at this point.
On the first day of VBS they did not have name tags for the kids that morning. When I picked him up later that day his name tag said (yeah, you guessed it) Squeaky.
He’s back in “summer school” two days a week and after the first day of class, one of the mother’s I know told me that her daughter, that is in the same class, pointed at The B Man and said that he likes to be called “Squeaky.” We had a good laugh as I rolled my eyes. The boy knows how to get the word out, I’ll give him that.
These days, if we call him by his real, God-given name (which we often do!) he gets very perturbed and squeals, “that’s not my name, call me Squeaky!!” I have half a mind to change his birth certificate and then someday in the future when they call his “name” at graduation he will look out into the audience with a look of total bewilderment and all I will do is smile and wave. That’s the way you wanted it babe. Sorry.
Ok, obviously I wouldn’t do that. But I had fun envisioning it. For some reason in that vision I was dressed very much like Jackie O. Wonder if that is a fashion premonition of some sort. Perhaps 1960’s fashion will reprise itself in the year 2022? Thank God I still have some pill box hats (I used to collect vintage hats as a teenager).
Sorry, that was a left turn if I ever took one!
Anywho! Squeaky (oh no!! Now I am doing it too!) has declared that he is now a super hero and adorned himself in the above garb to prove his point. As you can see we are truly lucky to have our own Super Hero living within these very walls. Perhaps he is related to this guy?
P.S. The B Man did awesome at his first swim lesson last night (and yes, he did have the instructor call him by his new favorite name. It’s an epidemic). He says he cannot wait to go back.
P.P.S. Everyone is pretty much back to normal (as in Not Sick) and thanks for all the well wishes on yesterday’s post!
I love that you would change his name and at graduation be waving to him. Seriously, I was on the floor over here!
Love IT!
I hope you and Squeaky have a fabulous day today!
Squeak ON!
Your layout is officially on the blog! Check it out:
Thanks for entering!
Why didnt you post it on your blog?!
Love it! Is he like a super hero that cleans? Like SQUEAKY clean? If so, he can come save the day at my house!!
So glad that everyone is feeling better.
Please tell Squeaky that I love his cape!
E, glad to hear that you are feeling better. Love the post about B … er, Squeaky’s new persona.
I spent the summer I was 4 in my Wonder Woman swimsuit (wearing my mom’s gold bangles as bullet reflecting cuffs). I am not sure what else I wore that summer as all the pics are me and that swimsuit … fighting evil (AKA my brother).
— Heather
What a darling story, but that is one nickname I hope he doesn’t get stuck with – you know. How cute is that picture!
Have a good day – Kellan
Here I come to save the dayyyyyyyy! That means that squeaky is on the wayyyyyyyy!
Too funny! Be sure to remind him of this when he gets older. Especially in front of friends and dates.
Does Super Squeak have any super powers? Other than the power to change his name, that is?
(Like I can talk- I’m going by Quirky!)
Squeaky is a cutie! We have had those same blocks he’s holding–all my kids love them (good investment).
AHAHA I love that!
Squeaky looks like a pretty cool super hero! I love the name!
Ruh roh. That’s funny, because I’m not allowed to call mine anything but his real name. You should Netflix some old MM cartoons. Bet he’d love it.
That is too cute!
What a great story for his wedding!
oh my gosh! That is AWESOME! I love his cape. SO cute!
Oh no! He’s going to LOVE that when he’s 14!
That’s completely adorable. I love when they change their names and adopt alter egos. That cape is priceless.
My older daughter once gave everyone in the family (except the cat) an alternate name. Pixie (her sister), Pinky (her), Greena (me) and Redda (my husband).
What’s funny is that when he’s 40 years old and is called “Squeaky” his coworkers will be like “Why the hell is he called that?” Because you know nicknames like that NEVER die!
Of course he did great at his swim lesson….he’s a SUPER HERRRRROOOOO!
I must say, Squeaky just might be my most favorite super hero ever! But he needs to fleh out the story – what are his super heroes (other that driving mom batty with the name change!)? And what role do the block and car slippers play?
I had to laugh at your graduation vision!!
Hilarious! I love how he tells everyone that is his name
Happy POW!
What a hoot! You can rest peacefully knowing that Super Squeaky is in the house.
The whole cape, slippers and extra ‘muscle arm’ are just too much. So cute, you are going to love having that picture in a few years~
That is so funny that he tells all of his teachers that his name is squeaky… Happy POW
This is hilarious! What an imagination he has.
Squeaky the superhero, I will have to watch out for him in our neighborhood! LOL…
Happy POW!
Squeaky?!? That is hysterical!! It reminds me of that Adam Sandler movie Big Daddy…where the boy wants everyone to call him Frankenstein!
I love the cape…
Oh that is cute! And you know you just might have your dream come true. Sometimes these childhood nicknames are hard to shake. He could forever be known as “Squeaky”. And wouldn’t that be a site to see at graduation?