The last night we were in Florida it was threatening to storm, which would of course be the same night we had planned to do photos on the beach.

Of course. (I know I already said that).

About the time we were getting ready it was literally pouring.  And then?  By the time we drove into the neighboring town where we wanted to set up (and I was over my ‘we-may-not-get-photos-wah-wah wah’ mini tantrum), the rain had passed and thankfully we got a pass.

I mean no one likes to see a 37-year old woman throw a fit. Apparently not even Mother Nature.

Because it was still so cloudy we did not have the stunning sunset lighting I was hoping for but we managed to get some great shots anyway and of course cloudy is pretty good too when it comes to shooting outdoors.

So, here you go, the last of the beach vacation photo dump, in the form of our family/friends/kids/couples photo shoot.

The beach really IS the perfect spot for photographs. 🙂

on our way to the water, we had to stop here and get a pic

we are obviously NOT above candy bribery – Mike N Ikes specifically

I promise I am done with beach photos.

I think.

Unless I sneak one in here or there… we’ll see.


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