Sometimes I think about what it will be like when my kids are older and don’t necessarily enjoy ice cream this much anymore. Although that’s impossible right? Ice cream is yummy no matter your age.
Perhaps they will look at me like I’ve lost my mind when I tell them to stand by the wall so I can take their picture. The 7 year-old was already giving me the side-eye when I suggested it. But he was still willing to comply.
And it probably won’t be as fun to go watch them get their hair cut anymore. But this was K’s first official bang trim so I had to take a pic. Of course the paci probably helped the fact that she did not cry.
The boys got their hair done too. Tim takes them to this great old-fashioned barber shop in town. Love that.
And when they are older I’ll miss the quiet mornings of play-doh play. It does keep them happy for a while while I sip my coffee. Maybe they’ll still like to make “pancakes” and “snakes” even into their teen years. But I’m guessing not…
These may seem like “ordinary moments” but they are just a few that made up our week. And they are pretty special to me.
All captured with my phone since my poor camera has hardly seen the light of day lately…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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