One Year AND Nine Months

One year ago today we moved our life to Louisiana.

Tim left a couple of days before and then I packed the boys in the car, left our good friends’ house, picked up my MIL and we drove away. Me, the boys, my MIL and the sweet baby in my belly.

You know, the same baby, who is now nine months old, as of yesterday.

You could say a lot has changed in the last year.

And of course you would be correct.

We’ve made new friends.

Explored new places.

Even lived without Pei Wei (God how I miss my honey-seared chicken!)

We became a family of five.

I think I even grew some thicker emotional skin.

I still miss ‘home’ at times.

But for me, I can’t live my life that way.

I try to make the most of it.

One of my friends here said to me the other day, “You all just moved right in here and made yourselves at home!”

And she’s right, because what else should we do but LIVE where we are?

As far as I’m concerned that is THE best plan.

And of course, as time passes so does my baby grow…

She still only has two teeth, says “Mama” on occasion, is pulling up on anything she can and has the most beautiful smile on the planet. Her favorite food is anything (she has yet to turn any away), she still has crazy hair and she STILL wakes up too early every morning to eat.

And also? It’s almost impossible to change her diaper or clothes these days. She’s always on the move! Wriggling her way up and out and trying to ‘eat’ one of the lotions on the changing table.

It doesn’t matter though, she’s always my angel. My “Katie, K, K,” and “Tweetle Bird!” 🙂

(click to enlarge)

And for now, where she was born, is our home…


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